Y'all need to apologize to Ruston Webster

Discussion in 'Tennessee Titans and NFL Talk' started by XO, Mar 13, 2015.

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  1. RavensShallBurn

    RavensShallBurn Ruck the Favens

    I said the same thing about Moore replacing Griffin the other day. Funny how his deal with Houston was just a fraction of what Griffin's deal was. Smh...

    That's my biggest beef with Webster right now... Holding onto scrub players for too long. And it's been a problem with this organization since the Fisher days. Just pure stubbornness and unwillingness to shake things up.

    Griffin and Levitre do not deserve to start, so get them the hell outta here and hold everyone else accountable. Otherwise our players realize they can mail it in and keep their jobs.
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    JCBRAVE goTitans 2019 Survivor Champion

    Someone said this was about as good as we could have hoped for so far, and they're right.

    Pass rusher was the No.1 priority this free agency, and we kept our best pass one (Derrick Morgan), signed 2 veterans with plenty in the tank (Jonathan Massaquoi/Brian Orakpo), and a SS/FS (DaNorris Searcy) who does everything well and is only getting started. Plus we also upgraded from Nate Washington to Harry Douglas.

    And dont sleep on Jacoby Ford either as our KR/WR5. We're well on our way to rebounding from 2-14. I at least feel like we can compete now. All thats left in 7 draft picks is to add a RT, CB, WR, and RB.

    Free Agency also isn't close to over, hopefully more good players settle down in TN. We know theres more out there.. James Harrison?
  3. Dee

    Dee Pro Bowler

    Griff is going to have a rebound year. Im telling yall Searcy is underrated, and can cover. We haven't had a S that could cover in a long ass time. That gives Griff the ability to freelance like Horton wanted him to last year.

    He just needs to f'n tackle better. If he doesn't clean that up this year im completely done with this dude.
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  4. SawdustMan

    SawdustMan #ChampChamp

    9 years in, I'm afraid he is what he is at this point. We don't call him "Whiffin" for nothin'.
  5. RavensShallBurn

    RavensShallBurn Ruck the Favens

    Using guys like Massaquoi and Ford in your argument does not help your case.

    You're already in full blown homer mode... ease back a bit. It makes things more fun when the season rolls around and you have ZERO expectations anyways.
    • High Five High Five x 1
  6. Thaddeus43

    Thaddeus43 Sunshiner President

    Yeah you are right ... I like what we have done so far, but I wouldn't call it "done" yet.

    Well, It looks like we are bringing in a G and CB for a visit, so could potentially check 2 more positions off my list.

    G - John Jerry, Giants

    CB - Perrish Cox, 49ers

    Don't know much about the G ... but surely he is better than Levitre, right?
  7. Dee

    Dee Pro Bowler

    As a whole tho, our team sucked at tackling. Did he lead our team in tackles last year??

    If not he was close. That shows you how bad our DL has been and LB's have been.

    As a team we need to tackle better.

    But, He does miss a lot and people tend to use him as the scapegoat for our defense.

    I agree to a point mainly because of how much he makes, but i dont believe he is the problem of the D.

    I think Levitre is more a liability on the offense then Griffin is on the Defense.

    JCBRAVE goTitans 2019 Survivor Champion

    Considering they were acquired before Free Agency opened, yes it does.

    JCBRAVE goTitans 2019 Survivor Champion

    This is true,,,, but he should be better

    JCBRAVE goTitans 2019 Survivor Champion

    Ummm, no. Gotta say thats wrong. Levitre plays interior OLine, we should be able to hide his inefficiencies with better Center and Tackle play. Griffin is out is space, he's been on the losing end a lot in his time here.

    But as you said before, he's only exposed after 4 other guys wiff on the play as well.
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