Would the Titans have won either of their last 2 games without CJ?

Discussion in 'Tennessee Titans and NFL Talk' started by Kaeotik, Dec 7, 2011.

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  1. ColtKiller

    ColtKiller Starter

    News flash for ya: RBs pick up most of their yards against lousy run defenses. It's what they get paid to do, it's their job. Find me the guy who consistently mops the floor with Baltimore, Pittsburgh, etc. He doesn't exist. Those are great run defenses, and shut down even the best RBs. Thing is, the great RB annihilate lousy run defenses. CJ has more yards then any RB in the NFL over the past 5 games. That's including a 20 yarder against ATL.

    If you're inclined to do so, watch some CJ highlights (or lowlights, if you will) from early this season. Then watch from the past few games. Focus on the offensive line, though, not on CJ. The OLine in the first few weeks got blown up on nearly every running play. Now, in the past couple games, you're seeing the OLine open up holes, and make blocks in the second level. Those are the things that create huge run plays.

    CJ is 25. His speed and athleticism are here to stay for a while longer. It's human biology. He's in the peak of his physical lifespan right now. He's been pedestrian because he didn't have an offseason, and the new offensive coordinator (Chris Palmer) completely changed our offensive line strategy, implementing a zone-blocking technique. In other words, our entire OLine had to relearn how to do their job in the month of August. Now that they're getting a bit better, we're seeing the results. And furthermore, Ringer's stats haven't faltered much over the course of the season. That suggests that he is simply an average-below average back, like he has always been. When the OLine got their stuff together, CJs numbers skyrocketed. Suggesting that his skills have been harnessed. The 32nd ranked Colts run defense shut CJ down earlier this year. You simply cannot gain yards when you get hit behind the line on most plays.
    • High Five High Five x 1
  2. Titanic_Sub

    Titanic_Sub Pro Bowler

    How am i picking and choosing stats that pad my argument?! I took CJ's best 5 game stretch of the season....And also I realized that he didn't get many carries in some of those games so if you look on this page I adjusted all stats to make it an equal comparison to the average amount of rushing attempts the defenses allow per game. Also I realize that CJ got hit in the backfield against the Falcons game, but watch LeSean McCoy play, it happens to him, and like a playmaker he makes people miss, and gains something out of it. If you want to blame CJ's performances on the Oline be my guest, that's fair enough, but if his success is so heavily based on his oline, why did we spend the money on him, and not an oline?
  3. ColtKiller

    ColtKiller Starter

    Now that's a damn good question. We're in desperate need of a center and two guards.
    • High Five High Five x 2
  4. Titanic_Sub

    Titanic_Sub Pro Bowler

    So if great running backs can't run against great run defenses what's the point in having a great running back....? Why not spend it else where, because even an average running back can gouge a bad run defense....

    Again if it's all on the oline, why did we pay CJ? We might as well have just spent it on the Oline...

    It's his fault he didn't have more time with the coaching staff. And again what were we thinking paying CJ if we don't have the players around him to make him successful?

    Maybe my problem isn't with CJ, it's with what the money we spent on CJ could have gone towards. I agree with a lot of you saying a back is nothing without a line, so why not get a line first and then a back?
    • High Five High Five x 2
  5. ColtKiller

    ColtKiller Starter

    All these financial inquiries are valid. Paying a RB big bucks these days is silly. Think about it, top three RB in the NFL over the past 3 years: AP, CJ, MJD. Vikings: suck. Titans: (ahem)suck(cough). Jags: suck. An elite RB doesn't really do anything for your team in terms of wins and losses.
  6. Titanic_Sub

    Titanic_Sub Pro Bowler

    Which is what I'm saying! What's a ferrai jacket if you don't own a ferrai? It's pointless, just like CJ without a stud oline. Despite this TheSureThing and Kaotik still act like CJ is the key to a superbowl.
  7. ColtKiller

    ColtKiller Starter

    On a team with inconsistent QB play, a RB can be very valuable. However, at the end of the day, it's all about the QB and the defense. Everything else is just a nice-to-have.
  8. GoT

    GoT Strength and Honor

    if CJ had such a good day against the Bungles where was he in the second half when a 2 score lead eviscerated?

    Got too do it when it counts for it too mean anything. CJ was successful against TB and Buffalo. Getting FDs that really mattered late in the game. That is some good stuff. The whole team looked good in Carolina, but they stink, still beating the snot out of a bad team is a good thing.
  9. TitanJeff

    TitanJeff Kahuna Grande Staff

    It's too easy to over-simplify the run game. For most of this season, CJ wasn't hitting the seams with the usual burst we've grown accustomed to. He's still not the same player we saw in '09, IMO, and we may never see that version of CJ ever again. But Hall was suspended for four games, someone on the OL was whiffing constantly and the play-calling was pretty predictable.

    Add to the mix the Titans were facing some stout run defenses and you have a formula for a crappy run game.

    I believe good run teams should see some success against stout run defenses and we'll see a few going down the stretch. CJ is running with better vision and burst. I see the OL now moving away from the constant zone blocking schemes and seeing a lot more success. Palmer is getting more creative in disguising run plays as well. We should know Sunday night if the Titans run game is "fixed".

    I blame the Titans defense as much as the run game in many of the Titans' losses this season. The offense didn't give them much rest but they couldn't get off the field either.
    • High Five High Five x 1
  10. World Peace

    World Peace Nephew Gunner

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