Would the Titans have won either of their last 2 games without CJ?

Discussion in 'Tennessee Titans and NFL Talk' started by Kaeotik, Dec 7, 2011.

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  1. Kaeotik

    Kaeotik Pro Bowler

    lol @ putting that much effort into tearin CJ down! Don't know how you could argue against being labeled a hater after that.
  2. TheSureThing

    TheSureThing Straight Cash Homie

    Ok time to start enforcing the age limit.....you realize those averages are TEAM averages.......so CJ is out rushing entire team's worths in some of those games.
    • High Five High Five x 1
  3. Titanic_Sub

    Titanic_Sub Pro Bowler

    I actually touched on that, but I'll delve further into it just for you big guy =]

    Buffalo Rushing attempts per game against-28. CJ ran the ball 23 times

    Tampa Bay attempts per game against-29. CJ ran the ball 23 times

    Atlanta attempts per game against-24. CJ ran the ball 12 times

    Carolina attempts per game against-28. CJ ran the ball 27 times

    Cincinatti attempts per game against-26. CJ ran the ball 14 times.

    That's a net difference of 36 carries. However 12 of those 36 carries were in a game where he was averaging 1 yard per carry so that isn't going to pad his stats very much. But I'm procrastinating so I'm going to assume that if he got as many carries as the average team gives what his numbers would look like.

    5 extra attemptsXaverage of 6.7YPC=33.5 yards
    6 extra attemptsXaverage of 8.3YPC=50 yards
    12 extra attemptsXaverage of 1YPC=12 yards
    1 extra attemptXaverage of 4.8YPC=5 yards
    12 extra attemptsXaverage of 4.6YPC=55 yards

    Total yards gained by extra attempts=155.5 yards

    Take that subtract the original negative 39 yards he ran for you get a total adjusted net of 116.5 yards. Divide the 116.5 total yards per game by the 5 games and he is rushing for on average 23.3 yards more than the average back per game in the last 5 where he has been "the best back in the league". For a top playmaker as he calls himself, I want him to be able to get more than 1/4th of a football field more than an average running back, but hey that's just me.

    Also I appreciate your response, you raised a valid point about the stats I presented, unlike Keotik who labels me as a hater because he had no rebuttal.
  4. Titanic_Sub

    Titanic_Sub Pro Bowler

    God forbid I put in research into a players performance rather than watching ESPN highlights and going "OMG CJ IS A SUPERSTAR!"
  5. ColtKiller

    ColtKiller Starter

    Theres a fine line between analysis and speculating/ hatin'. CJ was gashing the Bucs nearly every time he touched the ball. Ringer couldn't get more then a yard or two on any play. You telling me they were stacking the box for Ringer? No way. CJ is 5x the back Ringer is. Before our OLine started playing decently, they both sucked. Now the OLine is gaining a bit of continuity with the zone blocking scheme. One of them still sucks. The other is the best RB in the NFL for the past 5 weeks.
    • High Five High Five x 1
  6. Kaeotik

    Kaeotik Pro Bowler

    • High Five High Five x 1
  7. ColtKiller

    ColtKiller Starter

    OK, let's talk some stats. CJ has been in the league for 3 full seasons plus 12 games. So 3.75 seasons. In that time:
    1,131 carries, 5,450 carries, 4.8 yards per carry, 38 rushing TD, 177 catches, 1,280 receiving yards (7.2 yards per catch), 4 receiving TD, and only 10 fumbles.

    So, you're telling me that based on the first 8 games of a post-lockout, new offensive coordinator, new offensive line blocking scheme season, you're not impressed with CJ? Ignoring the other 39 games of his career, of which he was mostly spectacular and arguably the best RB in the league, at times appeared to be the most explosive player ever? The first 8 games of THIS particular season has convinced you that he isn't good?

    That's some rock solid analysis, friend.
  8. Titanic_Sub

    Titanic_Sub Pro Bowler

    I understand where you are coming from, I've never said CJ isn't/wasn't a great talent. During his first three years I thought he was an elite back, I loved the guy. However during this year, other than the last two weeks he hasn't impressed me (Even the Carolina game, I thought he looked very average). I don't think CJ sucks, but obviously he has been at best pedestrian this year, maybe it's him, maybe it's the blocking, maybe its the both I don't know. All I was trying to do with this was shed some light on his recent performances and see if his success of late was really as impressive as it seems, and to me I don't feel as though it is. When he looks good against a good, or even average run defense I'll give him more slack.

    Also remember that players regress, sometimes very quickly especially running backs, double especially speed backs.
  9. Obie09

    Obie09 Pro Bowler

    LOL wow. If you hate CJ that's fine, but at least don't try to pick and choose stats that somehow in your mind say that CJ has been playing below average for what the average RB has done against them for the past 5 weeks even if the opponents were weaker.

    If CJ did what he did these past 5 weeks he would be at 2000 yards again. No he hasn't been playing like a playmaker at all.

    The fact that you would use a stat that is trying to portray that CJ was below average in the Bengals game makes you look pathetic. CJ had 14 carries in that game and played great.

    Vs Atlanta, the o-line didn't open a single hole and CJ was hit for -15 yards on 5 carries. Is this CJ's fault that as soon as he touches the ball he's hit? I assume you think it is and he should have evaded those tackles when our o-line looked like a high school squad.

    If you're going to be ridiculous, at least be realistic about it.
  10. Obie09

    Obie09 Pro Bowler


    He did that already vs the Bengals, pay attention.
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