Why is Webster still with us?

Discussion in 'Tennessee Titans and NFL Talk' started by Riverman, Nov 5, 2015.

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  1. Riverman

    Riverman That may be.... Tip Jar Donor

    I feel better that Webster will be gone. I feel equally as strong this team has been perfectly positioned for a sale.
    • High Five High Five x 1
  2. Subjugation

    Subjugation Starter

    Anyone got the mailing address or email for amy adams strunk? I googled it, couldnt find much. Im sick of going off on message boards, I want to do my part and write her a letter expressing my concern for the team. Not loike a i hate you letter but one that points out somethings that are unacceptable. wont do anything, but it would make me feel better lol.
    • LOL LOL x 1
  3. CuseTitansFan

    CuseTitansFan Starter

    I'm not going to claim to understand the financial timeline for the sale of an NFL franchise, but it would seem to me that unless a sale is secretly in place and approved by all the other owners then trying to complete it this year after the season would be the team at a massive disadvantage in terms of hiring a new GM and coach.
  4. JR1980

    JR1980 Pro Bowler

    So long suckeeeeeeeeer

    JCBRAVE goTitans 2019 Survivor Champion

    The Falcons were in our same shoes we're currently in before Arthur Blank took over as owner, team didnt want to sell but he was persistent and NFL approved. Unless we have that type of guy banging on the door I do not agree with goTitans Jason LaCanFora that we are getting sold.
  6. Subjugation

    Subjugation Starter


    Yeah, thats my thinking as well. Not only that but that puts into question the sale in general, like they cant ire a new coaching staff/and or GM, and potentially replace the president soon after. Looking at the flow chart, it would seem they are going the wrong way.

    Owner hires president-hires GM-hires coach.

    Since they are apparently running with Underwood another year, unless they low key have someone lined up for next month, he is going to have to decode, with ownership, the fate of Webster. If reports that he are on the block are true, no idea how you hire a new coach, but have the GM on a short leash. If the titans get a new coach, and start next season 1-5, are they going to fire the GM at that point?

    this whole thing seems an absolute mess. When you really think about it, how attractive is this job? I know we got Mariota, and possibly the #1 pick, but my lord, who knows what the next day holds around the corner at the titans facility.

    This is confusing, with everyone KNOWING we are going to get a new president at some point.

    Funny enough, This was the exact thing that happened to Mularky in Jacksonville. Besides sucking, he was hired amid the turmoil and was fired after one season because all new leadership took over, This is exactly how its going to play out, even if Ownership doesnt sell the team, the 2 highest leadership people will be replaced at some point in the next 2 years, and unless the new coach goes to the playoffs, hes not going to last when those changes happen.

    If you are a coach, who wants his first Head Job, you would want to stay away from the Titans, as you are most likely going to be a casualty of change. You cant take a job like this. On the flip side, you are a guy looking for a second chance, you want an opportunity to succeed, you get fired a year or two into your "second chance" and thats it for you.

    what career minded dude is going to think this is a good chance to succeed?
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  7. TitanJeff

    TitanJeff Kahuna Grande Staff


    I heard an Underwood interview a few weeks back and there was no urgency at all to find his replacement. I think he's content and AAS is in no hurry to begin the process to replace him.

    Bass ackwards is how this will get done.

    And I agree that the top candidates might shy away from taking a job where they don't know who they will be working under in a year. How many GM candidates take a job where they don't have any say on who their HC will be?

    JCBRAVE goTitans 2019 Survivor Champion

    Only 32 jobs like being an NFL GM in the world, people arent that picky.

    Youre talking as if being an NFL GM is some normal kind of job...
  9. TitanJeff

    TitanJeff Kahuna Grande Staff

    If there are five GM jobs open and they all have the same guy as their top candidate, then it does come down to such things.

    Same for HC.

    You don't think how a franchise operates has any influence?

    JCBRAVE goTitans 2019 Survivor Champion

    I just think its such a special job that those small details arent as relevant as in other lines of work...

    But yes if there are 5 openings some of whats going on here would hurt land the ideal top names...
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