Why is Webster still with us?

Discussion in 'Tennessee Titans and NFL Talk' started by Riverman, Nov 5, 2015.

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  1. TitanUpB4UGO

    TitanUpB4UGO Starter

    Yeah....they were real bad, pulling for Mariota the entire way...while clueless goobers like you wanted to go with Williams and "give Mettenberger another chance." Ok, little guy....you smart and everyone else B dumb, right? Pfffttt.

    I called for both Mariota and DGB (at the top of the 2nd)....so, I'm good. Don't need to have the "popular" opinion to be right.
    • Hit the Target Hit the Target x 1
    • Troll Troll x 1
  2. Fry

    Fry Welcome to the land of tomorrow!

    Being the only thing in your head is nice. So much room for activities!
    • Troll Troll x 1
  3. TitanUpB4UGO

    TitanUpB4UGO Starter

    Still playing make believe, are you? Maybe you should go back to playing with your Bruce Gender switchable action figure, little guy.
    • Boring Boring x 1
    • Bullsh*t Bullsh*t x 1
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  4. TitanUpB4UGO

    TitanUpB4UGO Starter

    Do I need to remind you of the Head Coaches he has had to work with? Munchak and Whiz? Whiz was the POPULAR candidate, in the media and the fanbase, consequently. People like you b!tch when he does what you want, and b!tch when he doesn't. And your opinion is good as gold? Pffffft.

    I'm not a big fan of Webster, but my view is that he has done a lot lately to redeem himself from past mistakes. We need to draft a top-tier OT and our OL should be set. Our WR's are not as bad as many let on. We still need some help, but Wright, Hunter and DGB can be real weapons once we get a REAL HC.
    • Boring Boring x 1
    • Bullsh*t Bullsh*t x 1
    • Troll Troll x 1
  5. Dman5TX

    Dman5TX Pro Bowler

    I didn't like the Munch hire and didn't like the Whiz hire. I'm not saying I'm never wrong but Webster has terrible. You can make as many excuses as you want but it doesn't change the facts. There is no way around it. Keep trying, rain man
    • High Five High Five x 1
  6. Fry

    Fry Welcome to the land of tomorrow!

    • LOL LOL x 2
    • Bullsh*t Bullsh*t x 1
  7. Hormesis

    Hormesis Pro Bowler

    You out of your mind man!? I will have what you are smoking sir--- and I was hiding in closets at one point in my life.....12 steps brother, I will send you a brochure.
  8. Razorbacks

    Razorbacks #WooPIgSooie

    Im not sure I could stomach the Titans any longer if we hired Chip Kelly... and thats saying a lot considering what we've been through for years now
    • High Five High Five x 2
  9. 10icTyrant

    10icTyrant Starter

    The problem with this franchise and it's staff (current or former) is simply business related. And when I say related I do mean relatives. There's a huge disconnect from Bud Adams(R.I.P.) and on down to the inheritance to the split into 3 owners. Now with Amy with control it still hasn't changed a thing. It's almost as if you got a phone call that a long lost brother that you didn't even know about passed away and left you 1 million dollars. Until she gets connected with people associated with the current NFL and the desire to make the Titans relevant again on the field... We're going to stay at the bottom. IMO we need a sell and a new owner to make this work.
  10. Roscoes Wetsuit

    Roscoes Wetsuit Pro Bowler

    Pay Vince McMahon $1000 to fire this bum on live tv.
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