Who did best with coaching changes? (spoiler: Titans lost)

Discussion in 'Tennessee Titans and NFL Talk' started by Alex1939, Jan 30, 2016.

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  1. Alex1939

    Alex1939 Space Invaders Champion

    Roundtable: Coaching Changes - Fantasy Roundtable - Rotoworld.com

    "The Titans clearly lost. The decision to keep Mike Mularkey, who is 4-21 in his last 25 games as a head coach, instead of searching out higher-upside candidates is a decision so bad it cannot be explained by the ownership situation. The Titans are not as far away from the Texans or Colts as some may believe, and a new coach plus Marcus Mariota, the No. 1 pick and $40 million in cap space could have gone a long way. With what has the look of a one-and-done coaching staff running the show, the Titans have created a situation where Mariota is going to play under three coaching staffs in his first three or four years in the league. That is not the way to develop a player who should be a franchise quarterback. The decision could not have been worse."

    "Ray hit the nail on the head with Tennessee. While you could argue other teams tried and failed in their coaching search, the Titans didn’t even participate. Unless you count promoting Dick LeBeau to defensive coordinator and hiring Terry Robiskie, who hasn’t coordinated an offense in over a decade. Giving an emerging talent like Marcus Mariota one of the oldest coaching staffs in the league is a pretty flawed philosophy if you ask me."

    "The Titans, as usual, have no idea what they're doing, bringing back an interim coach the team didn't even play hard for late in the year."

    "The Titans … what's left to even say at this point? It's like they're actively trying to sabotage their golden goose, Marcus Mariota. There isn't a single item on Mike Mularkey's résumé that suggested he was worthy of a *third* chance to coach an NFL team. "

    "I think the winner is clear. It's Jeff Fisher. He doesn't have a winning season in his tenure with the Rams -- he has two seasons above .500 since 2004 -- and now he gets to move to L.A., home of the best weather on the west coast. How does this guy lose but keep winning at the same time? "
    • Hit the Target Hit the Target x 3
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    • Winner Winner x 1
  2. RTH

    RTH Meh...

    What us fans have been saying for years... glad to see others catching up.
  3. SalmonSlayer

    SalmonSlayer Pro Bowler

    Awesome, I hope more articles like this puts AAS on blast. Its so embarrassing. Does shee even read these things? Maybe she does and just doesn't give a F. I hope she sells the team to someone that cares about winning.
  4. Riverman

    Riverman That may be.... Tip Jar Donor

    Jesus that was spot on. I feel less abandoned now, but not less abused by AAS and her lackey mouthpiece gray-puss.
    • High Five High Five x 2
  5. SawdustMan

    SawdustMan #ChampChamp

    I still think a sale is totally on the table. It's just the only way I can wrap my head around this decision.
  6. Riverman

    Riverman That may be.... Tip Jar Donor

    yeah- I can only think of one other scenario. And that is that they are making things SO bad to set KA IV up to come in and be beloved as a savior. (like the ancient monarchs used to do).

    I think the other sister and Strunk want KA IV to gather enough financing to buy their shares (at least enough to get KA IV to 51%). Who knows, maybe the Peyton thing is for real and in the works for the next few months. That would create a scenario either later in this season or next to have an expendable HC, a stud QB mentor/FO, re-loaded rookies/FA's, maybe leverage with stadium from new PSL sales once old PSL owners turn their over. That really is the only smart play I see out of this. But what in the past has this franchise ever done to make anybody think they are capable of being smart?
  7. TitanJeff

    TitanJeff Kahuna Grande Staff

    The only person we can blame for this is AAS. She's the one who went with heart over her head.

    Underwood is a puppet. Mularkey is just a guy who who was at right place at the right time.

    All we can do is hope for the best. Though we all doubt this will work, it's possible it can. If it doesn't, then we have to hope the team is sold because AAS will be the one who will make the decision on the next one too.

    I'm not overly concerned about Mariota right now. I think he's smart enough to grasp the changes which are about to come. If anything, it'll be simplified for him and, if the Titans can do anything running the football, take pressure off him.
    • High Five High Five x 1
    • Cheers Cheers x 1
  8. SalmonSlayer

    SalmonSlayer Pro Bowler

    I am not concerned about his game per se as I agree he's smart and will develop, but I am concerned after this scrub staff is fired in 1 or 2 seasons he won't stay around after his rookie contract is up. I imagine several teams coming after him when he's available. AAS is just a stupid Pos.
  9. SawdustMan

    SawdustMan #ChampChamp

    Yeah, I don't think they are that smart or conniving enough for all that. In my mind this either indicates a sale is on the table or complete and utter incompetence. Neither would surprise me but I'm hoping for the former.
    • High Five High Five x 1
  10. SawdustMan

    SawdustMan #ChampChamp

    I seriously hope that if Mularkey fails (as expected) that AAS would realize she has no business making these kinds of decisions and leave the next hire up to Robinson.
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