Where is VY? (all things Vince Young goes here)

Discussion in 'The Lounge' started by grindtime, Feb 10, 2011.

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  1. Mr.biggums

    Mr.biggums Special Teams Standout

    As Captain Obvious, it seems like its isn't obvious to you.
  2. Mr.biggums

    Mr.biggums Special Teams Standout


    Still waiting on a reply. Even though you can't really save face on this. :cool:
  3. Fry

    Fry Welcome to the land of tomorrow!

    It's the truth. Every genre has a focus. Go through and listen to any one of your rock albums. I guarantee the majority of the songs on that album have to do with something social that was happening at the time it was recorded(Bob Dylan), sex, drugs or women.

    Listen to any rap album, they all have the same focus, of course the focus is more acute the more current you get because most rappers now are cookie cutter artists.

    Should it really be a surprise? All of these guys draw off of each other, it's called influence.
  4. Mr.biggums

    Mr.biggums Special Teams Standout

    How does every genre have a focus in lyrics when you have Marilyn Manson talking about religion, history, numerology, and art in rock, Tool talking about astrology in rock, and Pink Floyd talking about philosophy in rock?

    You know why you consider those rappers cookie cutters? Because you can see the marketing strategy. You know that rap wasn't all about sex, , weed, and rims. Why can't you see the same thing in other genres?

    Once again, genre isn't based on lyrical focus. It's based on musical style. The reason today's artists seem more like clones is because of MTV and advertising.
  5. GoT

    GoT Strength and Honor

    leave Floyd out of this - lol
  6. Mr.biggums

    Mr.biggums Special Teams Standout

    Hey man, got to give credit where credit is due. FYI, Animals is my favorite album.:cool:
    • High Five High Five x 1
  7. Fry

    Fry Welcome to the land of tomorrow!

    Right, they are classified by musical style, that doesn't mean that the lyrical styles are not incredibly similar too. They are, there's no denying it.

    Every single artist hits on every single one of those categories multiple times throughout their careers, and it's especially prevalent in rock of every single generation.
  8. Mr.biggums

    Mr.biggums Special Teams Standout

    Once again, you said genre was based on lyrical focus, not musical style. So you were wrong.

    Also, I don't base commercial success as a barometer for what I consider "influential". I don't consider Backstreet Boys as influential in the advancement of music or lyrical content yet they are one of the highest commercial successes ever.
  9. GoT

    GoT Strength and Honor

    I go back and forth between Animals & WYWH with the Wall getting a certificate of participation.
  10. Mr.biggums

    Mr.biggums Special Teams Standout

    Funny how most people were disappointed with Animals yet loved the Wall even though they knew only three songs out of it- Another Brick in the Wall, Comfortably Numb, and Hey You and didn't get the "concept' part of the albums.
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