When you Lose like that you have to reevaluate Everything - Munchack

Discussion in 'Tennessee Titans and NFL Talk' started by Arcane, Oct 23, 2011.

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  1. theprizdfighter

    theprizdfighter Newb to the 19.5°

    You know I do understand the argument...or what they are trying to say

    but for the sake of the argument

    No team is talentless...no player in the NFL is...these players would not have been able to reach the NFL, play in college or even have an opportunity to play college ball with out talent.

    Pro Bowl caliber?
  2. mike75

    mike75 Pro Bowler

    Put in Ringer???? How about put in Harper.

    Next offseason either through the draft or free agency we have to find our new running back of the future.
  3. pettso

    pettso Starter

    You're just nitpicking. Obviously they're not people you pick up off the street and have done something worthwhile to make it to this level. They are not top tier players though. Most teams have a handful of players that are distinguished at what they do, the Titans have none. We don't have a player that ranks in the top 10 at ANY position.

    That is where the talentless comments come from. The average talent level on the Titans is much lower than any team that belongs in the playoffs.
  4. theprizdfighter

    theprizdfighter Newb to the 19.5°

    Thanks captain obvious...I set it up by saying I understood what they were getting at and then stated for the sake of the argument. Good job on being right though; that's obviously what a majority of the posters on here care about.
  5. pettso

    pettso Starter

    There is no argument to be had. We have no talent. It's the coaches fault for not evaluating that talent and working with the FO to fix it. That or they suck at developing players. I don't see your point.

    Either way, the coaching is bad.
  6. Fry

    Fry Welcome to the land of tomorrow!

    This team severely lacks talent, I think that much evident. Look at the skill positions, who has talent there? Chris Johnson, who is MIA, and......?

    I wouldn't be sad if we started next year with 11 new starters on defense.
  7. Titanup1982

    Titanup1982 All-Pro

    Trent Richardson....
    • High Five High Five x 1
  8. theprizdfighter

    theprizdfighter Newb to the 19.5°

    Let's revisit the talent argument in a few weeks and see who is still on board.

    Come'n where the EF are the Hawkins lovers at...that dude has talent for days right?
  9. BeatADeadColt

    BeatADeadColt Camp Fodder

    I see so much LeGaette Blount in Jamie Harper it makes me wanna puke. At least Jamie Harper made the team, but it looks a lot alike. It looks like Jamie's gonna do great in the pre-season for two years, almost never see the field. And then eventually go to another team like Tampa Bay, somebody that needs a RB and people around the globe are gonna be like "Oh snap where did he come from".

    IDK. I think this is what we need, in this order.

    WR/RB <--- Interchangable.

    Yeah, it's something to think about. But until we have a capable center and D-line. We're not going anywhere anyway. That should be the biggest concern. I'd more like to see us bring some offensive guys in the second half of the draft. Maybe find some diamonds in the rough, like Stevie Johnson or Fred Jackson. Both walk-ons to the Bills. It does happen.
  10. Psychop1

    Psychop1 Big Tee

    In a few weeks? Are you watching the Colts right now? We're Superbowl bound again next week. Munchak is a genius. CJ plays good. etc...
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