What's the deal with Young?

Discussion in 'Tennessee Titans and NFL Talk' started by TitanJeff, Nov 9, 2008.

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  1. cayal

    cayal Starter

    Oh I'm sorry, I guess saying things with no proof is an intelligent, well thought out post. Gee aren't I stupid.

    He's also been accused of choking someone, and involved in a shooting.

    And pouting? That is all he does. He sits on his own and gets cranky. There was a whole thing on it during a MNF game a few years ago.


    refused. Don't make it out to have happened more than once.

    Didn't Fisher say that was blown out of proportion?

    I am quite certain you don't know what ignorance is.

    I am not the one spouting off gibberish as truth. You have NOTHING to back-up your claims, so don't come off saying speculation is truth.

    Again, where is the proof?

    All you have is the issue with Jacksonville and that is all.
  2. Jwill1919

    Jwill1919 Coach

    9-0! Proof
    • High Five High Five x 1
  3. onetontitan

    onetontitan Marioto

    Marvin Harrison dropped like 2 TD catches last night....so I wouldn't compare Marvin and Vince. They both don't play well. I guess they have those "golden years" to look back on, but Marvin EARNED his in the NFL and Vince earned his at Texas.
  4. Mr.biggums

    Mr.biggums Special Teams Standout


    How can you say vince couldn't do what kerry has done.......good god two seasons....one good, one bad.....and you act as if he has never done any good.... kerry isn't putting up godly numbers or anywhere close to it yet you act as if kerry is so much superior to vince. Whos to say vince wouldn't have benefited from the likes of chris johnson, the re-emergence of brandon jones, dinger and his creative offensive schemes, and an overall more experienced team? give the kid a REAL chance......damn.
    • High Five High Five x 2
  5. Jwill1919

    Jwill1919 Coach

    You can ask Trent Dilfer....stats don't tell the whole truth. So I won't bother arguing them on this matter. The only ones I care about are turnovers and wins. Kerry is doing a good job in the turnover category, and thus it has helped us to a perfect 9-0 record.
  6. cayal

    cayal Starter

    gee there's a surprise.

    Like you said, stats don't tell the whole truth. Like how lucky Collins has been with his poor throws that should have been picked off.
  7. cayal

    cayal Starter

    Why am I not surprised you can't back up what you say.
  8. TitanJeff

    TitanJeff Kahuna Grande Staff

    This would be a good time to review the rules of the forum and take it to PM.
  9. Childress79

    Childress79 Loungefly ®

    On a positive note I took this shot of Simms during the Packers game.Those head phones definitely look like the ipod ones which they clearly aren't.

    Either Simms & Young are listening to music or they're both listening to the coaches.

    • High Five High Five x 1
  10. TitanJeff

    TitanJeff Kahuna Grande Staff

    It's the coaches. Fisher said so a couple of weeks back on his show.
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