What's the deal with Young?

Discussion in 'Tennessee Titans and NFL Talk' started by TitanJeff, Nov 9, 2008.

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  1. Fry

    Fry Welcome to the land of tomorrow!

    if you're goint to use a quote out of context, at least use the right one.

    "can't nobody tell me nothing"
  2. PitBull

    PitBull Bred to Brawl

    Vince's momma?
    Is that you?
  3. Fry

    Fry Welcome to the land of tomorrow!

    i just think piling onto a guy who is not even playing is just ridiculous.

    some people internalize when things don't go well, i'm one of them, that doesn't mean they don't care.

    Marvin Harrison has sat by himself his entire career, i'm sure he cares.
  4. whutaboutGump

    whutaboutGump Naw mean?

    Here's the thing, nothing is going on in his head. He's thinking about what he's going to do after the game, where to hang out, etc. It's a big bowl of mush up there man, and air.

  5. PitBull

    PitBull Bred to Brawl

    MH is a smart player and probably does that to reflect and to think of ways to better himself..

    Vince on the other hand does that to pout like a 5 year old, and day dream about being in a better place instead of facing the current situation.


    Forrest Gump was a great athletic college football player as well. Doesn't make either a professional football player.

    Besides.. how many other pro football players pass the ball like this anyway?

  6. Fry

    Fry Welcome to the land of tomorrow!

    dan marino?

    i mean, if vince was a part of a losing effort week in a and week out, i'd have no problem with everyone piling on, but he's not.

    every week there's a thread on why he's not playing, should he get more playing time, why is his body language so bad, he sits on water coolers, is he listening to his ipod, why doesn't he dance anymore.

    fact is, he has no bearing on the outcome in the last 8 games, but there are more threads on vince young than kerry collins, most of which turn incredibly negative or just outright bash fests for no reason.
  7. Jwill1919

    Jwill1919 Coach

    Probably because there's no crying in football. And nobody likes a quitter, especially one that can't handle the heat in the kichen. Maybe we just expect more from the 3rd overall pick and future face of the franchise? To think that this guy likes to think he's McNair, rediculous. He's the next PacMan, good riddance.
  8. Fry

    Fry Welcome to the land of tomorrow!

    i expect more from him too, i just don't see the point in raking someone over the coals when he isn't playing. if he were playing poorly i'd have no problem with it, but there are about 30 guys who are playing that no one talks about, negatively or positively.
  9. cayal

    cayal Starter

    I love the ignorance of this board sometimes. And this is the perfect example of it.

    Marvin does it, and it's fine. He's just reflecting.

    Vince (apparently) does it, and it's not fine. He's listening to his ipod and pouting.

    Fact of the matter is, none of you have any idea what Vince is listening to, or what goes on on the sidelines.

    I'm not a VY lover or whatever name you want to call it, this is just how it is.

    Listen to yourselves. 9 - 0 and you are complaining about the back-up.

    Do you guys even know how to get excited or do you just want to complain about every little thing?
    • High Five High Five x 1
  10. Jwill1919

    Jwill1919 Coach


    How is this ignorance?? Marvin has never pouted, been a Pro-Bowler how many times? and never been accused of quitting on his team. Vince is not even top at his position on his team, let alone the league, can't handle the pressure, doesn't consult with his coaches and teammates when going over defenses and in-game scenarios, refuses to go back into the game when the going gets rough, and finally defies his head coach when told to get his butt to the doctor and get an MRI. So to come to the defense of this pea brain QB who doesn't even throw as good as Ronnie Brown, is ignorant.

    Please don't come on this board and start calling posters ignorant for saying what everyone already knows to be true about Vince Young. It's obvious he lacks the maturity to be an NFL QB, can't answer questions after a game regarding performance, and doesn't have the patience or drive to work on his deficiencies.
    • High Five High Five x 2
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