What's the deal with Young?

Discussion in 'Tennessee Titans and NFL Talk' started by TitanJeff, Nov 9, 2008.

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  1. RollTide

    RollTide All-Pro


    BS, it is perfectly normal for backup QBs to be involved in the game in case they have to play. Hold a clipboard, have headphones on so you can hear the play calling. Talk with the other QBs on the sideline and look at photos to see how the other team is defensing you. Totally not normal!

    On an NFL roster there are no guys who just stand around on the sideline. Everybody has a role of some kind and vince's role is to always be learning and be prepared if called upon. He obviously doesn't care..
  2. Titanium

    Titanium TITANFN Staff

    The last time this subject was brought up, some started complaining that we had a problem with where Vince was standing or sitting on the sidelines. We were basically told to get over it and quit complaining about Vince. I think the point was missed, obviously...

    It does bother me to see Simms so interractive with Collins and Dinger and Vince is no where to be found. I don't see that willingness to learn from Collins like he professes he is. This isn't something new. You haven't seen him one time this year looking over photos or chatting with Collins and Dinger after Collins comes back to the sideline. I guess Fisher is content with Vince just listening to the audio during the game.

    I still think Vince has a little chip on his shoulder and is not all "rah rah" for Collins. The ego has taken a huge hit and I still think we're seeing some pouting. Maybe playing for a different team is what he needs. I just hope if we need to call on Vince, that he will be ready.

    In the meantime, we need our offensive line to continue their awesome play and keep Kerry upright. I don't want to find out if Vince is ready or not.

    • High Five High Five x 2
  3. Hoffa

    Hoffa Freak you you freakin' freak

    Nobody can't tell Vince anything, anyway...
  4. ZELL22

    ZELL22 Starter

    I'm sorry do you guys have a personal camera linked directly to your TV which focuses strictly on the OC & QB's, or did all of you guys fly out to Chicago for the game and noticed this?? I only watch the games on TV, so forgive me I only see them focus on the sideline once or twice a game, so who's to say that VY hasn't or isn't going over to look at film during the times they AREN'T showing the QB's & OC?
  5. Childress79

    Childress79 Loungefly ®

    I would not be at all surprised if Collins is injured to see Young hit the field & do a Forrest Gump & run right out of the stadium.

    It's sad to see but something is definitely off even if he is allegedly listening to the coaches on a headset.

    Simms can step in at any point even if he's inactive.His sideline behaviour suggest he's ready to do just that.Listing Young as 2nd string is an easy way to avoid controversy.
  6. TitanJeff

    TitanJeff Kahuna Grande Staff

    And Simms probably only does it when he knows the cameras are about to show him because he needs the face time.
    • High Five High Five x 4
  7. Riverman

    Riverman That may be.... Tip Jar Donor

    I still think it IS significant that Chris Simms came to Tennessee right after Vince pulled the "melon-head" move of tellling his head coach he wanted out of the game when the home crowd booed him. There has been a lot of interpersonal dynamics as a result of VY's immaturity. Collins going undefeated after taking the reigns only further isolates Vince.

    Chris Simms had the opportunity to go to Dallas but chose to come here. I'm certain his dad told him his chances of starting again were much better in TN than Dallas. There is a lot to this story. I wouldn't be surprised at all to see Simms starting next year and Vince getting shopped around.

    It really just sounded like damage control to me when Fish was saying Vince is our future, blah...blah...blah..... We'll just have to see how it shakes out.

    You know, Simms is probably just getting in a little extra time since he will have to manage the team during OTA's in the Spring while Vince is working on his degree.
  8. wplatham

    wplatham U of M Class of 2012


    Vince was injured before Romo was. There was no option of going to Dallas then. That was several weeks later. :suspect: He just took the first job that came along.

    I know I'm wasting my time saying this but do you know how many OTAs Vince missed last year? That's right. Zero (0).
  9. Childress79

    Childress79 Loungefly ®

    The Cowboys offered Tampa a 4th rnd pick for Simms in July so they were always interested.

    Sims did not take the 1st job to come along.He visited New England first & then cancelled a trip to the Chiefs to work out for the Titans.He chose to come the Titans over two other teams.
  10. Riverman

    Riverman That may be.... Tip Jar Donor


    You have to believe that he was going where he felt he had the best chances of starting. I'm sure there is more to this story than has been presented to the media.
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