Rumor What would you take in trade for Vrabel?

Discussion in 'Tennessee Titans and NFL Talk' started by TitanJeff, Nov 6, 2023.

  1. Two first-round picks

  2. A first and a second

  3. Only a first

  4. Only a second

  5. Two mid-round picks

  6. A mid-round

  7. Some combination of mid and late-round picks

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  1. TitanJeff

    TitanJeff Kahuna Grande Staff

    Rumors are swirling that Kraft might want to trade for Vrabel if the Pats were to make a HC change. If true, what would it take?

    Looking at history, Sean Payton took a first and second-rounder over two drafts. Parcells was a first, second, third and fourth over three drafts. Gruden was two firsts and a second. Belichick was a first, fourth and seventh (though some late picks were given back). Other coach trades didn’t take more than a single second or fourth.
  2. 8Bruce8

    8Bruce8 Starter

    2nd this year with 4 + 5 ideally this year. Although id take a 1st only but just dont see it happening.
  3. Chronos

    Chronos Pro Bowler

    Who would be the choice to replace him? We have already proven through other trades that compensation is only half the story, using the compensation correctly, or having a back up plan that actually works is the key. If Vrabel were to be traded, the team must have a plan to get BETTER not stay the same or go backwards.
    • Cheers Cheers x 1
  4. HurrayTitans!

    HurrayTitans! Useless trivia knowledge champion

    A First for me. Posted in the around the league thread too.

    I liked Vrabel. Clearly a step up from Mularkey BUT in the same way, I think he’s reached his peak. The questionable defensive decisions he made while Houston’s HC, he made here (never has secondary in positions to succeed) and some of his personnel decisions (staff) stink. He seems to have an issue with players and their ability to determine health to collect paychecks while watching games.

    all that adds up to, if a first is available for him, take it.
    As mentioned, DO NOT settle for an internal hire. Since Ran just moved in, he may have a lot of pull with AAS to hire someone outside and potentially with some promise vice a tired old retread.
    • Cheers Cheers x 1
  5. jpope9

    jpope9 Starter

    If he struts Tannehill out over Levis, he can go for free
    • LOL LOL x 7
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  6. Carp

    Carp Starter

    I would take any compensation they want to give. I don't hate Vrabel by any means. But I also don't think he is some amazing coach that can't be replaced. We won a playoff game with Mularkey for crying out loud.

    If the Pats want to trade us a 1st round pick for Vrabel, I will gladly help pack his bags. If this team is going to be successful, it's going to be on the arm of Levis, not the coaching of Vrabel. And if Levis is not successful, we are going to be mediocre to bad anyways and will probably fire Vrabel within the next 2 years.
    #6 Carp, Nov 6, 2023
    Last edited: Nov 6, 2023
    • Cheers Cheers x 2
  7. Broken Arrow

    Broken Arrow Just a Fan....

    If he starts Levis, then nothing less than a first round pick...

    If he starts INTannehill, then a bag of fritos scoops from the initial FRITO LAY RELEASE in the 90s...
    • Cheers Cheers x 1
  8. Alzarius

    Alzarius Pro Bowler Tip Jar Donor

    A bag of peanuts and a 25 dollar gift card at Costco's
    • High Five High Five x 1
  9. TitanMark

    TitanMark Pro Bowler


    Why not? Some of y’all may not like him but he is very well respected. It’s a 1sr plus a second plus…. Or we got robbed.
  10. Aqutis30

    Aqutis30 Do you mind - NOT being a Motaur?

    The Pats seems pretty desperate to move on from BB but haven't made the move of firing him yet. Does the trade deadline include coaches or just players? I feel the longer Vrabes is with us the lower the chance he gets traded.
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