What is everyone's perfect scenario for the Titans?

Discussion in 'Tennessee Titans and NFL Talk' started by cdubbs2121, Jan 5, 2011.

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  1. Titanup1982

    Titanup1982 All-Pro

    Whoa, it's getting hot in here.
    • High Five High Five x 1
  2. SoCalTitan867

    SoCalTitan867 Starter

    I thought about it again. Here's my ideal situation. Trade Fisher to Carolina for their 1st pick ( since he's such an amazing coach. ) and J. Stewart to backup CJ. Draft Luck w our new 1st pick and then get prince with our 8th pick.
  3. KelvisKblam

    KelvisKblam TITANic Nerd

    You guys do realize that no one is going to trade for VY, right? His salary is huge, no team is going to be willing to take that on, especially when the Titans have now publicly said that they will release him, meaning any interested teams could sign him without having to give anything up and can ink him to a more reasonable contract.


    1. Fire Fisher, hire a younger coach who is hungry and understands modern football. This new coach will bring in his own staff
    2. Sign McNabb or Orton and KC for insurance, all to short term deals if possible
    3. Draft the best available QB-Gabbert, Mallett, or Locker and cross your fingers!
    4. Use the rest of the draft to reconstruct our shabby Defense and O-Line
  4. nickmsmith

    nickmsmith Most poverty RB core.

    Move up to get Luck, or draft Ingram.

    Vince has very little trade value now. They know he's leaving either way.
  5. RavensShallBurn

    RavensShallBurn Ruck the Favens

    Are you Nelly?
  6. The Playmaker

    The Playmaker pineapple pizza party

    Fire Fisher, yeah let's do that first.
  7. gran54

    gran54 Starter

    Keep our core playmakers obviously (resign Babin and Tulloch for sure!)
    Our D Line needs to stay healthy
    McGrath and Cook need to break out!
    Sign a Free Agent offensive lineman and linebacker and possibly a corner
    Draft Mallett, Gabbertt, Locker, or Newton (Preferably one of the 1st two)
    Trade for or sign a veteran QB if we do not draft one
  8. gran54

    gran54 Starter

    Keep our core playmakers obviously (resign Babin and Tulloch for sure!)
    Our D Line needs to stay healthy
    McGrath and Cook need to break out!
    Sign a Free Agent offensive lineman and linebacker and possibly a corner
    Draft Mallett, Gabbertt, Locker, or Newton (Preferably one of the 1st two
    Trade for or sign a veteran QB if we do not draft one
    In the 2nd round draft the best player available because we have a high enough 2nd round pick we will definitely pick up a first round talent that can come in and play ball and most people that I talk to say we could use something pretty much everywhere except RB.
  9. Obie09

    Obie09 Pro Bowler

    Keep Fisher? Ew why? You fine with mediocrity?
  10. Johnnyrex

    Johnnyrex Starter

    Trying to put a realistic scenario here:

    1) Let Fisher finish his contract.

    2) Sign Alex Smith for starting QB. He can play average/good with some help from the coaching staff.

    3) Sign KC for backup role. Continue with the development of Rusty.

    3) Go defensive tackle or outside linebacker on 1st round.

    4) Go center on 2nd round.

    5) Go safety on 3rd round. (if the ones we got can't provide a good replacement of Hope).

    6) Go defensive tackle or outside linebacker on 4th round. The opposite of what we got on the 1st round.

    7) Go power running-back on 5th round.

    8) Go corner on 6th round.

    9) Go tight-end on 7th round.

    10) Get Babin, Hall, Tully, Harris back.

    MOST IMPORTANT: don't trade draft picks under no circumstances!!
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