What is everyone's perfect scenario for the Titans?

Discussion in 'Tennessee Titans and NFL Talk' started by cdubbs2121, Jan 5, 2011.

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  1. NYCTitanfan84

    NYCTitanfan84 Special Teams Standout

    My immediate perfect scenario?

    FIRE Jeff Fisher !!!!!

    I honestly believe that we will not move forward as an organization until he's gone. Doesn't matter whose at the QB position
  2. nickmsmith

    nickmsmith Most poverty RB core.

    2011 Is Fisher's year. Make or break. The entire year will be entirely on him. He will be set in stone for most of his career, or he will be gone. Easy as that.
  3. The_Jerr83

    The_Jerr83 Camp Fodder

    To be honest I wouldn't wan't him to have another year to prove himself. He had 16 years to do it, what makes anyone think that this coming year will be any different?
    • High Five High Five x 1
  4. Alex1939

    Alex1939 Space Invaders Champion

    Trade CJ, Trade VY, Trade Fisher, Trade all 2011 draft picks... to Carolina.

    Draft Luck.

    Sign Him Harbaugh to EXTREMELY LARGE 5 year coaching contract.

    That's my dream. Add Nick Fairley somehow and I'd want to see that team in the future.
  5. HeadOnASwivel

    HeadOnASwivel Pro Bowler

    Right with ya, sadly this will never happen.
    • High Five High Five x 1
  6. TitansBlue

    TitansBlue Camp Fodder

    Unfortunately that solves none of this team's defensive problems and our offensive weapons become pretty lessened
  7. amy

    amy Starter

    "I think the owner needs to take back some control and not give it all to jeff fisher."

    The reason Fisher has the power he has is because Bud lives in Houston and doesn't want to deal with what goes on in Nashville. He likely doesn't know enough to make the decisions necessary to grow the team. And that isn't going to change. He will let Fisher continue making decisions, at least until his contract is up. After that, it will likely be a whole new ballgame unless we go to the playoffs next season. Oakland shows what happens when a senile old man wants to run things.
  8. titansrule00000

    titansrule00000 Pro Bowler

    Hire Singletary as our DC
    Release Scaife, Scott, Gage, Simms
    Resign Tulloch, Hall, Kern, Babin, and Ball
    Somehow get Blount back, Sign Mcnabb Then Draft Ryan Mallett.
    Pick up a decent OL, Safety, Corner and Linebacker In the draft or Free Agency Doesn't matter to me.
    Get Hall more involved in the offense, and start using CJ the right way!
  9. cdubbs2121

    cdubbs2121 Pro Bowler

    sorry I do apologize I read your original post wrong.

    You still win the bigger idiot poll for suggesting that the Panthers would trade their 1st pick and a running back for CJ and/or Vince who is now probably going to be released for nothing.

    I do realize that Luck is going to be a beast, and I do realize that a franchise Qb is better so really you're just sounding like a d-bag taking cheap shots. Again sorry I read your idiotic trade scenario wrong boner.

    Thanks for enlightening me on "the bigger picture" with more hypotheticals about CJ and luck's career who could also turn out like Alex Smith or (throw in top five bust pick here).
  10. RavensShallBurn

    RavensShallBurn Ruck the Favens

    My suggestion was before we announced that VY would be released/traded.

    See... now you're running in circles here. I said that they probably wouldn't go through with the trade because it's actually better for us, but we might as well offer it. I think they would consider CJ + VY on a team that has no explosiveness on offense whatsoever.

    It seems that you actually agree that this trade would benefit us more after you just called me an idiot for suggesting it. Explain.

    Did you just call me a 'boner'? :hmm:
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