What is everyone's perfect scenario for the Titans?

Discussion in 'Tennessee Titans and NFL Talk' started by cdubbs2121, Jan 5, 2011.

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  1. therealtrueblue

    therealtrueblue Camp Fodder

    1)yes i think orton could be a nice temporary QB and possibly perminent if he has a lot of sucsess (20td 9int season and getting hit on nearly every play)

    2)fat all would be good but what happens if fisher is fired after the 2011 season??? we are stuck with a crybaby that cant play a 16 game season

    3)maybe, i would see what we can get for him but if we cant get more than a 4th for him then i just say keep him

    4) nobody is going to want him. if they do why trade for him and take on the huge contract when they could just pick him up for cheap after he is cut

    5) cecil has to be fired but dinger is acceptable. he could be upgraded though
  2. CRUDS

    CRUDS Moderator Staff

    Maybe Buddy Ryan is ready to give it another shot..
  3. World Peace

    World Peace Nephew Gunner

    Orton as QB + McDaniels as OC + Singletary as DC = Superbowl.

    Let's face it, the Jeff Fisher coaching tree doesn't branch. Schwartz may have a bad team but hes still got alot to prove. You guys are right, its time for fisher to think outside the box.
  4. The Playmaker

    The Playmaker pineapple pizza party

    1. Yeah we need someone
    2. At the right price
    3. Cortland? No
    4. Yeah trade VY to Washington for big Al
    5. Keep Dinger
  5. Chapparal97

    Chapparal97 Grumpy Old Fart

    Why Orton? I'd rather grab McNabb off waivers. Ya, he's getting older, but he's still got a few years left in him. He's bigger than most linebackers, can probably shape up the locker room and slap the Divas silly.

    But then again.....there's still Rusty.......verdict is still out on him.
  6. Tight Uns

    Tight Uns I'm a girl, dude

    Why would Orton come here? I mean, the Titans are so dirty.

    Would kind of be sweet though, watching him backtrack on those remarks
  7. xpmar9x

    xpmar9x The Real Slim Shady

    I agree, but not if it cost us a 2nd. I'd b happy with giving a 4th and VY. I also wouldn't hate McNabb on the Titans. No to Kolb, Eagles want 2 much.
    Yes. As long as he's released and we pick him up. No trade.
    I disagree with this. Unless we get a legit corner in return, which will not happen. Cortland is a solid corner, would be nice if he could have safety help.. Not saying its all Hopes fault, but it didn't help.
    See #1.
    DC is the biggest concern. I'd be ok with keeping Dinger, but I'll think he'll retire due to his health.. or take a smaller role in the franchise. Something like QB coach would be nice.
  8. cdubbs2121

    cdubbs2121 Pro Bowler

    Well maybe you should read more posts of people saying CJ should walk if he is unhappy with the money. I'm truly sorry that my post doesn't "do it for YOU"
  9. thepoonerboy

    thepoonerboy Jake "Lockout" Locker

    Do we really want KFC 2.0?

  10. RavensShallBurn

    RavensShallBurn Ruck the Favens


    Do you want Finnegan to murder Orton? That's what would happen.

    **** Kyle Orton and his sleeve of wizard. I don't want this chump playing for us after he said we were the dirtiest team he's ever faced.
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