Welcome to Matt Hasselbeck

Discussion in 'Tennessee Titans and NFL Talk' started by titanbuoy, Jul 27, 2011.

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  1. seafandawghawk

    seafandawghawk Starter

    Agreed that he's not a Kurt Warner. Warner was a savvy gunslinger with a big arm; and the Cards used their short and intermediate passing to set up a dangerous deep vertical game with Fitzgerald and Bolquin (or however he spelled his name). Hass doesn't have Warner's arm strength (or Locker's arm strength for that matter). He can get it down the field 40+, but not on a rope with the same zip as Warner. I've never seen his arm strength as weak so much as moderate. He's made his money going 0-30 to keep drives going. And although he's probably not a 'great' quarterback; he's capable of being a consistently solid good quarterback for sure. As I'm seeing it, if the Titans have suffered from defenses loading the box over the past couple of years, MH can prove a good antidote to that, because he knows how to get rid of the ball quickly and to the right place. He's seen it all before, and doesn't get confused or mess around when he knows it's coming at him. Hass can hurt defenses that load the box-- it's better against him to play back and make him wait for someone to get separation and then make him zip a throw into decent coverage. I'd be willing to bet that if D's consistently run 8 in the box against the Titans this year, then Jared Cook is going to have a monster year and their slot guy is going to plenty of touches as well.
  2. SEC 330 BIPOLAR

    SEC 330 BIPOLAR jive turkey

    Because if you want to talk aggregates, Kerry Collins is without a doubt the best passer to ever don a Titans uni.

    JCBRAVE goTitans 2019 Survivor Champion

    It could, but it'd be a waste of time. McNair was great for reasons beyond his passing ability.
  4. Titanup1982

    Titanup1982 All-Pro


    I just don't buy into stats when you're down 28-3. Yeah he looked good in the 4th quarter, when the Bears let the foot of the pedal, but what exactly did he do when the game mattered?

    I like Matt, but your main selling point to us was "Did you see what he did in the 2010 playoffs" and I'm only quoting you on that, and not his whole career. And I'm telling you that he didn't have the great playoff run like you are making it out to be.

    JCBRAVE goTitans 2019 Survivor Champion

    This is a league all about "what have you done for me lately", and in his past two outings, he's played very good football.
    • High Five High Five x 1
  6. Big Time Titan

    Big Time Titan Big Time Titan

    I think that MH will be able to get the job done. He'll have some decent weapons to throw to and a pretty solid line to protect him.
  7. xpmar9x

    xpmar9x The Real Slim Shady

    via Jim Wyatt twitter:

    Hasselbecks deal is for 3 years, $ per year unknown.
  8. lilkhmerkid4u

    lilkhmerkid4u Somebody Saveeeeeee Meee!

    awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhttttttttttt

  9. TorontoTitanFan

    TorontoTitanFan Pro Bowler

    Do you really think teams make free agent signings based on how a player played in his last couple of games?
  10. Titaneers

    Titaneers Ultimate Player

    ...in of itself... that's a really sad thing for titans fans....
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