Week-1 Challenges vs. Jacksonville

Discussion in 'Tennessee Titans and NFL Talk' started by JCBRAVE, Sep 2, 2011.

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  1. Titanup1982

    Titanup1982 All-Pro

    Just contain MJD, because we all know Garrard can't beat us with his arm.
  2. ImATitan

    ImATitan Pro Bowler

    I think we're going to win. Although our offense probably won't be great, I expect our D to win this game for us. Garrard won't beat us with his arm.

    Titans win 17-13
  3. dbc5631

    dbc5631 Starter

    Vegas has the Jags as 3 point favorites. (Home game are worth 3 points in NFL)
  4. xpmar9x

    xpmar9x The Real Slim Shady

    I'm going with 23-20 Titans, in OT.

    CJ & MH start off rusty, but get it together in the 2nd half and lead us to a comeback.
  5. CJtheBeast

    CJtheBeast Starter

    I say Titans 27 Jags 10.

    I think we're better than some people think. I also don't think the Jags are a very good football team this year. I think our bigger D-Line will mean less production from MJD and with our DB's this year their receivers don't really scare me.

    Will check back post game to see how close I was.
  6. dtm586

    dtm586 The Master Jedi

    i say mike thomas has a good game (and im starting him on my fantasy team so i could be bias here heh)

    first time he played tennessee last year he tied his season high with 8 catches for nearly 90 yards - Mike Sims-Walker is gone but after a heavy dose of MJD and the defense needing to cover the middle of the field for Marcedes Lewis, I think Thomas could be a wild-card against our younger back-field

    but isnt MJD sort of banged up as well? I wonder what his status will be

    And I dont expect the Titans to blow out the Jags like some people are suggesting ... Jax is @ home to kick off the season so a little extra motivation and the beat down the Titans gave them last time they played @ Jax on national tv no less - I say Jags have a chip on their shoulder still ... with that being said, Titans still win in a close, hard fought, grind it out game
  7. CheeseheadTitan

    CheeseheadTitan Pro Bowler Tip Jar Donor

    I think that this is a low scoring game...maybe 15-13 Titans on 5 Bironas FGs...offense is going to be out of sync IMO, but the Hags are just not that good this year.
  8. cld12pk2go

    cld12pk2go Starter

    I am thinking 24-10 Titans.

    I think we are a lot better than most think and the Jags look like they have regressed.
    • High Five High Five x 1
  9. costarica2

    costarica2 Banned forever

    I think we have more talent and skill players so we should win.But lets not forget that the Jags are one of the most physical teams in NFL almost almost every player is bigger and stronger so if we are not ready they might win.
  10. CheeseheadTitan

    CheeseheadTitan Pro Bowler Tip Jar Donor

    I aree....btw, regarding your statement on Rusty....I don't think he needs viagra, just a better scope.
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