Rumor We are keeping Mularkey?

Discussion in 'Tennessee Titans and NFL Talk' started by KillerTitanFan, Jan 3, 2016.

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  1. TitanUpB4UGO

    TitanUpB4UGO Starter

    I'd rather go watch a movie for that same $20...if they hire Mularkey. I'm sorry, but as Underwood stated (more than once) in that press conference...CANDIDATES ARE ULTIMATELY JUDGED ON WINS AND LOSSES! Not IF's and BUT's.

    If they really believe that, then they have no choice but to bid a respectful farewell to Mularkey. He was very fortunate to get even the small window of opportunity, this year. Most failed HC's don't get a 2nd or 3rd chance.

    There is no shame in him returning to the role of an OC, somewhere. Head Coaching is a meat grinder and not every football coach is cut out for it.
    • Boring Boring x 1
    • Bullsh*t Bullsh*t x 1
  2. TitanUpB4UGO

    TitanUpB4UGO Starter

    That may be true, but they are probably under the assumption that he will return to coaching as an OC, knowing the contract deducts what they make at their next stop. They will still be paying a good bit of coin, and that may be a factor we haven't considered. By keeping Mularkey dirt cheap, they can recoup much of that, back.

    Would make sense when you consider this team always sits on big chunks of unused cap money. They are cheap, much like Bud was. It's all $$$ and cents for them, and not about winning. Collect their NFL shared revenue checks and minimize expenditures.

    Problem with that pure $$$ approach is Nissan is paying them big bucks for stadium naming rights, and they are going to be pi$$ed about Mularkey being hired, because that means an empty stadium which is highly visible on TV. It embarrasses them as a corporation and tarnishes their brand. But this ownership group and Underwood himself, doesn't give a damn.

    I just feel bad for Mariota. He deserves a better franchise than this.
    #242 TitanUpB4UGO, Jan 7, 2016
    Last edited: Jan 9, 2016
    • Boring Boring x 1
    • Bullsh*t Bullsh*t x 1
    • Informative Informative x 1
  3. Chronos

    Chronos Pro Bowler

    I think one thing to consider about the "improvement" we showed after Mularkey took over is probably more of a testament to how bad Whiz was rather than how good Mularkey can be.
    • Hit the Target Hit the Target x 1
  4. kenny

    kenny Starter

    THIS is exactly what I have been saying about Mularkey. If he is such a great HC that player "Love & want to play for" why haven't they played for him?? The things that he preaches about: Mental Mistakes, Being Prepared, Lack of Effort, Penalties, and Turn Overs are the things that have cost us games every since he took over. The Jets game was the most horrible display of NO EFFORT I have ever seen in an NFL game. Several games we looked like we did not even know what we were doing.

    It is embarrassing that this team is even considering keeping Mularkey. The fact that they were willing to publicly express that thought is even more embarrassing. It just shows how lost the management of this team really is.
  5. kenny

    kenny Starter

    Yes but PK called him out in the Press Conference specifically about Mularkey NOT being a proven winner. Underwood back tracked quickly. Saying, you have to look at a lot of different things when evaluating an interim HC. You can't just go by his wins & Losses. We and the Adams family feel strongly for Mike & how he handled Marcus through the injuries.

    It is hard to take anything from the PC except that they are willing to make excuses for Mularkey's failures and lack of improvement. He does seem like the favorite. It seems as if any other candidate would have to blow them away to even have a shot at the job.
  6. Brew City

    Brew City Case Race Champion

    They said nice things about him out of respect. I wouldn't read into it too much. The sky is not falling. McDaniels or Hue will be the coach. Mark my words.
  7. Riverman

    Riverman That may be.... Tip Jar Donor

    I think you're right but they might wind up stuck with Mularkey because their top choices went elsewhere. This is Underwood keeping his spin options open.
  8. GoT

    GoT Strength and Honor

    Titans mailed me a mystery card from Logans in the mail...

    it does NOT make up for jack schmidt!
  9. skitch

    skitch Shut Up and Play Ball!

    They handed those out at one of the games. Lol
    Actually, I think the girl gave me about 5 or 6.
    • LOL LOL x 1
  10. ImATitan

    ImATitan Pro Bowler

    I can't fathom the thought of bringing Mularkey back
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