Vince Young: Reports Of His Career Demise Have Been Greatly Exaggerated

Discussion in 'Tennessee Titans and NFL Talk' started by earlers, Aug 7, 2009.

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  1. TitansJonne

    TitansJonne OG triple OG

    The article has it's ups and downs but the overall message is right. But that's what maturity is all about, can Vince be mature and man enough to ignore the critics and play HIS game, or will he once again crumble under the pressure and try to be the player the media wants him to be, like he did in 07. One interesting piece was when he wrote, "Incidentally, as many times as Young AND his teammates state that he refused to re-enter the Jacksonville game because he was trying to inform the coaching staff that he was INJURED, no one ever seems to want to report it. It is regularly reported that Young was pulled out of the game due to suffering a knee injury during the game, but tried to come out of the game prior to that. It is never reported that Young was trying to come out of the game because his HAMSTRINGS, the same ones that he had played hurt on the prior season and had bothered him ever since, all through offseason drills and through training camp and preseason, were still bothering him." Where did he get this information from? it makes me wonder, because i remember hearing a report from Vince and Fisher stating young did come to the sideline and told the coach, "It's Tight, It's Tight", pertaining to his hamstrings tightening up. Could this be what really happened? While the writer of the article could have left out a few self opinioned facts, at least it was 9 pages of stats to back up some of his claims. Overall i think it was a nice read.
  2. Blazing Arrow

    Blazing Arrow The 12th man

    I hope this is sarcasm ....
  3. eds clothing

    eds clothing Camp Fodder

    Hate to say it but this guy has a lot of valid points. The point he said about Chris Simms the media mad a big deal that he was hear to take over for Vy. I'm here on business in Tennessee for the next couple of weeks. From going to different venues sports bar etc.Some of the fans act like he slept with there wifes and they wish he would just fall off the face of the earth. I think Vy is one of the most hated professional athletes ever when he was Boo at a the Charity event I was like this is crazy. I'm a titans fan I live and die for the blue I support all the players and coaches.
    • High Five High Five x 1
  4. TitansJonne

    TitansJonne OG triple OG

    I like how he got booed at the softball game, yet when autograph time come around for him at training camp, fans are still piled up to get his signature.
  5. earlers

    earlers Camp Fodder

    Hmmm...that's very telling!

    I think the part about the national media wanted him to fail because he beat USC is nonsense. BUT, the part about the local media was dead on. Fans are still crying Cutler's name in every blog as if the guy won a superbowl.
  6. Jwill1919

    Jwill1919 Coach

    You do realize that the D was ranked #5 overall in '07 as opposed to #7 in '08, right? So Vince had a better Defense while also committing 12 more turnovers, does that make your argument invalid? The fact the QB job was handed over to a 38 year-old country bumpkin with zero intent to give back, by the most loyal coach in professional sports is the real indictment.
  7. RavensShallBurn

    RavensShallBurn Ruck the Favens

    This ain't Brett Favre we're talking about here. Kerry is 36 and was 35 when he was given the job.
  8. Jwill1919

    Jwill1919 Coach

    you are correct. But he was looked at as an old fart, and written off.
  9. MJTitans

    MJTitans Chris Whitley look him up

    Hold on there, Hondo. What in my post made you think I disagreed with his benching, or that I think he should play now? Please re-read:

    First off, since you asked - and partial stat quoting is one of my pet peeves - let me make my comment more clear. I'm interested to see how Vince plays with a better team around him. There is no denying the Titans have made incredible strides over the last 3 years. In 2006 things were bad. In 2007 things improved mostly on defense, but the offense still lacked skill. 2008 Chris Johnson changed this offense completely, and out goes Chow with Dinger coming back. That a lot of change from day 1 to the last time we saw Vince.

    The D was ranked #32 Vince's rookie year, and here was his primary offensive support:

    WRs - Bennett, Wade, Jones, R. Williams, Givens, Roby
    The most loyal coach in football also released his entire WR squad.
    TEs - Scaife, Troupe, Hartsock
    Scaife was/is good. But as a group they were weak.
    RBs - Henry, Lendale
    IMO they carried the team that year, along with Vince's legs.

    So his first season, he walks into a terrible setup. Not an atmosphere you would expect a rookie QB to develop good habits in.

    Move to 2007. The D improves dramatically, yes. But The offense was still in need of help:

    WRs - Gage, R Williams, Moulds, B Jones, C Davis
    TEs - Scaife, Hartsock, Troupe
    RBs - Lendale, C Brown

    Collins still didn't have much for receivers in 2008 but CJ and Crumpler were major additions. We all know CJ forced defenses to play us differently. I honestly thought Chow was one of the worst and most predictable playcallers I've ever seen, too. So IMO Dinger was also a major addition.

    So here we are with a #3 pick that we aren't sure what to do with. Is he worthless with no hope of ever playing? Or is there reason to think he could still be a legitimate starter? Again - I'm not saying start him now... Collins is better right now. I am saying that he had a lot going against him in his 1st 2 years, and I'm curious to watch him with what I believe to be a significantly better offensive cast, after a year of learning the way he should have to begin with. Aren't you?
  10. Chapparal97

    Chapparal97 Grumpy Old Fart

    What's wrong with Old farts! Old Guys Rule! :moon2:
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