Vince in his rookie year and now!!!

Discussion in 'Tennessee Titans and NFL Talk' started by TitansWillWin1, Oct 9, 2009.

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  1. Nine

    Nine Starter

    CJ is a home-run hitter. He's gonna have a high number of runs where he's stuffed for 2 yards or less, but he can also pop one for 20+ yards at any time. (He currently leads the league with five runs of 20+ yards, one more than AP.)

    That said....using CJ as an every-down runner is like a boxer who's always going for the knockout punch, or a QB who throws deep on every play. It's spectacular when it works....but you can't count on it happening consistently. To base an entire strategy on it.....well, it's like developing a financial plan around winning the lottery. It's great when it hits...but if it doesn't hit, you're screwed.

    There's no question that CJ should be the focal point of the offense, but that hardly means he should carry it by himself. Lendale may not be the home-run hitter than CJ is, but he's proven himself as a solid power runner, and a guy who will consistently pick up 3-4 yards a pop.

    If you run CJ on first and second down, maybe he pops one for a big gain...but it's more likely that you end up with a 3rd & 8. Run LW on first and second down, and you're probably looking at a much more favorable 3rd & 4.

    You'd think that the combination of CJ and LW would be a no-brainer for the coaching's the best of both worlds. By all rights, this should be the most lethal RB tandem in the NFL....darned near unstoppable.

    Unfortunately, the Titans' coaching staff apparently feels otherwise; they're more comfortable putting things in the hands of a fast-declining Kerry Collins, while allowing the running game to stagnate as LW sits on the bench.

    Again....this offense should have been an absolute no-brainer. And yet somehow, they managed to find a way to screw it up.

    If it takes putting Vince on the field to make them quit throwing the ball 35+ times per game, then so be it. All I know is this: a run-oriented approach with Vince Young under center will be far more effective than a pass-oriented offense with Kerry Collins at the controls.

    I guarantee it.
    • High Five High Five x 1
  2. TitansJonne

    TitansJonne OG triple OG

    While a backfield with VY and CJ sounds spectacular. It's not that simple. Fisher won't change the offense into some gimmicky CJ and VY option in offense. He would keep it exactly the way it is. Which why Coaching is a huge problem.T Their inability to change and adapt to the rest of the NFL puzzles me. You could argue it gets us wins. But the big question is does it give us Championships? Nope.
  3. Nine

    Nine Starter

    I'm not saying they'd switch to some option-oriented wildcat-eque approach....far from it. (Although I'll admit, it does sound interesting; personally, I wouldn't mind seeing something like that called every once in a while.)

    What I'm saying is this:

    The coaching staff's trust in Collins' experience is such that they have no qualms about throwing it 35+ times per game. Even though he's crapped the bed and crumbled in critical spots....he's still their guy. Their faith in him is absolute, to the point of being irrational.....and as such, there's no reason to think they won't continue to air it out at every opportunity. Even though he's currently one of the worst QB's in the league, the coaching staff seems to think he can do no wrong. He's their boy.

    They don't have that same faith in Vince. (Nor do I, for that matter.) If and when Vince sees the field, I suspect we'll them airing it out less, and a greater emphasis on the running game.

    And once that happens, I strongly suspect that a LOT of the offense's struggles will magically disappear, and they'll become more efficient and more productive as a whole.....not because Vince will be lighting up opponents through the air, but because the coaching staff will be forced to get their heads out of their asses and start doing what this team was built to do in the first place.

    Which is what they should have been doing all along.
    • High Five High Five x 2
  4. HornedToad10

    HornedToad10 Camp Fodder


    This is my fundamental problem with our coaching strategy. We are basing everything on CJ hitting home runs. To continue baseball analogy, CJ is like a .240-.260 hitter that hits 40 hrs and White is a .300-.320 hitter who hits alot of singles and doubles. You have to have a mix of both players in your lineup to be successful. Otherwise you have feast or famine with CJ or alot of singles but not the power to drive it in with White.

    I like CJ's running ability, but I'd prefer he change his style somewhat to take what's there sometimes instead of always going for the kill. If he could get up to .285 with 30 hrs then he'd fit our scheme alot better. Or, in football terms, perhaps less runs > 20yards but also not leading the league in gains of 1 yards or less.
  5. TBC_titan

    TBC_titan Camp Fodder

    And if you add Vince's three rushing TDs in there, shouldn't that bring it down to a -5?
    Why do you all compare the two directly when we all know that Vince's running ability is one of his intangibles? Like it or not, that's 21 points Vince scored that Collins did not.
  6. TitanBlazer

    TitanBlazer Starter

    The bottom line is if we are going to have a defense that is this crappy then we need a QB that can spark comebacks. Kerry has proven many times this season he cannot get it done when the pressure is on. Vince makes off the cuff plays that CAN lead to disaster but sometimes at the end of a game those off the cuff plays can work out.

    Vince was hurt in 07. He is not the same QB when he can't move well. Give him a shot...what do we have to lose? seriously! We are 0-4 in case you haven't noticed.
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