Vince in his rookie year and now!!!

Discussion in 'Tennessee Titans and NFL Talk' started by TitansWillWin1, Oct 9, 2009.

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  1. TitansWillWin1

    TitansWillWin1 Camp Fodder

    and if ur talkin about quality opponents our 08 season was much easier SMART ONE!!!!
  2. smileyforall

    smileyforall Da Blue Mamba


    You must have been asleep during that 3 game stretch without Big Al when our defense single handedly lost games for us, while Vince had career games.
  3. Stephenson

    Stephenson Camp Fodder

    I watched them. But that's because we were playing from way behind in those games where the defense let up. Imagine what our 5th ranked defense would look at the end of the season in stats if we didn't lose Haynesworth...
  4. Vigsted

    Vigsted Starter

    Would it be fair to point out that Collins career INT's/game ratio is higher than Youngs?

    Fact is, if Collins plays like he did last year, he gives the Titans the best shot of winning. However if he plays like he did the majority of his career, then it's fair to question if Young would do better. Sadly so far this season the latter has been the case.
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  5. Childress79

    Childress79 Loungefly ®

    It's more than fair. However Collins isn't being given the opportunity to play like he did last year.

    The defence is keeping our offence off the field.the offences current role iscatch up. It would be the same for VY.

    Being asked to pass 40 times a game won't suit Young. It doesn't suit either of our QB's well.
  6. Gunny

    Gunny Shoutbox Fuhrer

    Bull. Crap.

    First of all, Collins can't generate a drive. He's putting the defense on the field because of his 3 and outs. We have the 5th worst TOP in the league now.
    Secondly, aside from Jacksonville, we have never been so far behind we needed to go away from the game plan. He simply cannot do it.
    • High Five High Five x 1
  7. Nine

    Nine Starter

    Spin it however you like....but if you're using the argument that Vince can't extend drives, you might want to check your facts.

    In 2007, Vince had a first-down conversion rate of 36.9%.....good enough to rank in the league's top-ten, and just a few points behind league leaders Ben Roethlisberger (41.6%) and Tom Brady (41.5%). (This is also significantlybetter than Kerry Collins....32.0% in '08, and 30.1% this year.)

    This also doesn't include the 24 first downs Vince got with his legs....considerably better than Collins, who has rushed for six first downs in 2008 and 2009 combined.

    This is not's fact. The facts clearly indicate that, if and when Vince sees the field, we'll see a significant improvement in the offense's ability to convert third downs and sustain drives.

    Then there's the whole time-of-possession factor:

    2007 - 31:53 per game
    2008 - 29:19
    2006 - 26:53

    Five minutes less possession time means five minutes more for opponents....a total swing of ten minutes, or enough time for two solid offensive drives. A couple years ago, that was a couple drives in the Titans' favor; now those drives are going to the other team.

    Last year, Collins did a very solid job of avoiding sacks, turnovers, and negative plays in general. This year he offers no such advantage. Not only is he making lousy decisions and turning the ball over; even with an improved supporting cast, he's been as bad or worse than Vince in virtually every statistical category.

    I'm not suggesting that Vince is all that, or that he's going to singlehandedly turn the team around. But let's not automatically assume that the offense would be as bad or worse with Vince under center....because the facts suggest otherwise.
    • High Five High Five x 1
  8. Childress79

    Childress79 Loungefly ®

    Really? That's what your seeing in these games?

    The steady diet of CJ up the middle most of the time is what's killing us. It's predictable and on average unsuccessful. despite CJ's yardage and 6 yard per carry average,most of his carries up the middle get stuffed.

    He leads the league in plays for no gain. We are not running the ball well and not being creative.Why isn't White being used.

    We are still playing the same vanilla crap on offence that we saw in the pre season except they forgot to include Cook. Heimerdinger has lost the plot.
  9. TitansJonne

    TitansJonne OG triple OG

    Your both right IMO. Collins does have to play cath up alot, and were mostly seeing throw aways on 3rd dwn due to blitzing. But then again were not using lendale. CJ goes for the homerun each play. Lendale gets us 3-4 yds and the 1st dwn to continue drives. You can make the argument that CJ is averaging i think 4. something yds a carry. But he doesn't consitently average that. While collins has been playing below average this season, it is fair to say there are many factors for that. Bad defense, bad playcalls, bad blocking. But you must point out his faults as well, inconsistent accuracy, bad decisions, immobility. Collins was better suited for us last season when the defense dominated and we played with the lead. But like i have seen throughout his career, if he must become more than a manager for a team, then he will not be as good. Is Vince our best option? I don't know. But right now, if collins plays like he has all season, eventually he will have to be benched. Fisher has plenty of confidence in him because of experience. I highly doubt it is because of his ability to keep the ball because he has been very turnover prone his entire career. But experience goes a long way with old school guys like Fisher.
    • High Five High Five x 1
  10. Childress79

    Childress79 Loungefly ®

    We had 453 passing attempts in 08,we're on target for 612 at the current rate.We ran it 508 times in 08,we're on target to run it 396 times this year.

    We are playing a different style of game and it doesn't suit us at all. We have the opportunity to play keep ball but aren't doing it.Our only success has come from CJ's big play ability. The playcalling has been very poor,

    Together with Cecil's defence we suck.
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