Vince in his rookie year and now!!!

Discussion in 'Tennessee Titans and NFL Talk' started by TitansWillWin1, Oct 9, 2009.

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  1. TitansWillWin1

    TitansWillWin1 Camp Fodder

    Im just gonna throw out that we had the 27th ranked defense in 2006 when we went 8-8 with vince young and everyone was like they are now after we were 0-3 that season!!!! Vince can actually win with a bad defense unlike collins who cant!!!
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  2. rock8titans

    rock8titans Starter

    I've argued those 13 wins last year were all because of the D, Collins was along just for the ride, don't know how many times I heard people refer to him as just a game manager.
  3. Ubiq

    Ubiq BAMF

    Have you seen Vince's stats during those wins? Very very mediocre, and I wouldn't be so quick to say that he's the reason we won.
  4. Titan_Cam

    Titan_Cam Camp Fodder

    He wasn't the sole reason by any means. We also had some stellar returns by Pacman Jones that blew a few games open and Travis Henry was a monster. But you can't deny the change in energy and excitement that Vince brought and it was infectious to his teammates. I remember the post-game comments of some of his teammates after his game-winning TD scramble in Houston. He had the whole team amped. VY was extremely confident in his abilities that year and confidence is infectious on a team.

    All I see when I look at Collins on game days is a 36 year old guy (that looks 46) and could be a statue with the lack of emotion he displays. Paul Kuharsky made a really good point recently. The Titans have a bunch of do-what-i-do low key leaders on the team, but none of them are doing anything worth following right now. The veteran leaders are not getting it done which breeds a lack of confidence and it is trickling down to the whole team. The main thing Vince has going right now that Kerry doesn't is that Vince is not 0-4 this year and when he goes in for the first time he can lead with a clear mind and clean slate. Oh, and he can run.
  5. Ubiq

    Ubiq BAMF

    I'm not so sure the locker room is as confident in Vince as some on this board are. Let's not forget that he was pretty much labeled a quitter a year ago.
  6. TBC_titan

    TBC_titan Camp Fodder

    I'd also be willing to bet that Collins' stats last year during our wins are equally mediocre.
    I wouldn't be so quick to say Collins' was the reason we won more than one (two at max) games last year.
  7. Ubiq

    Ubiq BAMF

    Collins was +4 in turnover/TD margin...and turnovers are the biggest equalizer in football.

    Do you really think Vince would've been positive? After what we saw in 2007 and what we were beginning to see in 2008? If you do think that, then I can't help you.
  8. TitansWillWin1

    TitansWillWin1 Camp Fodder

    To bad he isnt positive now, and its all about now not what happened in the past!!! Which means its time for him to be benched!
  9. Stephenson

    Stephenson Camp Fodder

    Vince? He's already benched, don't see a problem there.
  10. Ubiq

    Ubiq BAMF

    Wow. Isn't this thread about what happened in 2006?
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