Underwood adamant about offset clause in Mariota's deal

Discussion in 'Tennessee Titans and NFL Talk' started by Old Oiler Fan, Jul 14, 2015.

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  1. nickmsmith

    nickmsmith Most poverty RB core.


    You think Jersey sales are really significant? I'd like to see the number of people who have bought PSL's due to MM being drafted. If it is over 100 to this point, I would honestly be surprised.

    You simply cannot compare a front office person to a NFL player.

    NFL players' shelf lives are VERY short.. an injury can finish It in one second. NFL execs can work until their 80s. There is absolutely no comparison. There is also no "salary cap" or cap penalties for front office workers. That is a horrible argument.
    • High Five High Five x 1
  2. 520

    520 2020 GOAT CHAMP from 3-7 to champ

    Its cuz they see it as a diss to the golden god mariota
    • Pigeon Bomb Pigeon Bomb x 1
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  3. rekirts

    rekirts Starter

    See thats exactly why we're doing it. Because the Jaguars gave Bortles a contract without offset language, this year they had to give in to Fowler. If we give in now, we can't tell our first round draft pick next year "we don't think you're as good as Mariota, take a hike".
    • High Five High Five x 2
  4. PortlandDuck

    PortlandDuck Starter

    Marcus Mariota gives Titans instant buzz
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  5. PortlandDuck

    PortlandDuck Starter

    Unless it's the #1 or #2 pick, it's not comparable. If it is that high, you'll have a be front office and coaching staff, anyway.

    Either way, it has zero impact on next year's pick. Either it's a lower pick, or it's a new front office negotiating with a top pick.
  6. rekirts

    rekirts Starter

    Well Jaguars were the #3 pick... But either way giving in now just makes it harder next year. Mariota will sign.
    • High Five High Five x 2
  7. nickmsmith

    nickmsmith Most poverty RB core.

    Ok.. They probably sold some single tickets to games to see him. They did for VY as well.. Do you think they will really spend thousands of dollars on PSL, AND season tickets because of this rookie, before he plays a snap? I don't think so.

    Single game tickets and Jerseys are nice boosters.. those are not PSL sales where people are directly investing long-term in the franchise. We've seen this all before in 2006. If he doesn't produce, it's Deja Vu.
    • High Five High Five x 1
  8. PortlandDuck

    PortlandDuck Starter

    Yet you're fine with a GM double-dipping, but not a player, even though the GM, as you admit, can get paid for decades.

    I think you have it backwards.
    • Bullsh*t Bullsh*t x 1
  9. PortlandDuck

    PortlandDuck Starter

    You're not paying Mariota anywhere near what you paid Vince Young. As you said, a player's career can end at any moment. It would seem wise to me to try and guarantee as much money as possible in that relatively short earning window, yet you're angry at Mariota. You're contradicting yourself.

    Oh, and I read on this board that Titans season tickets are up 25%. Why could that be?
    • High Five High Five x 1
    • Boring Boring x 1
  10. PortlandDuck

    PortlandDuck Starter

    I've already explained to you how it has zero impact on next year's pick. If you refuse to understand why, that's not my problem.
    • High Five High Five x 1
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