To Those who Think the WRs dropped passes

Discussion in 'Tennessee Titans and NFL Talk' started by petergriffin16, Sep 27, 2009.

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  1. TBC_titan

    TBC_titan Camp Fodder

    Uh because he's the freakin QB...the game manager. God for-f##$%-bid that he manages the game...including hot routes.
    Sure the WR could let him know, but this is something that should have already been planned for in the huddle. If it isn't, and the blitz is not accounted for, that's Collins, not the WRs.

    Who's gunna cover a short pass when they are bringing the house, especially if Collins could manage to get it out to CJ in the flats? :irked:
    Or if CJ was in the backfield, motion him out to the flats, if the defense had planned on blitzing before that, seeing the fastest player in the NFL motion out would be a stern warning not to blitz. If the did anyway, dump it out to CJ. Who would be covering him if they engaged eight?
  2. titanjack

    titanjack Camp Fodder

    calling MATT JONES!!!!!! calling MATT JONES!!!!! does anyone know where MATT JONES is looking for MATT JONES!!!!!!!:wink2:
  3. coach rip

    coach rip Camp Fodder

    Focus on real problems

    Collins is fine, ...............even the retired talking heads said the receivers need to catch the balls thrown to them. In the third quarter the announcers were going nuts over Collins' throws calling them darts and lasers, ......... the four dropped passes in the 4th qtr. killed the go ahead drives, .........yeah the qb threw some other passes that were either throw aways or uncatchable, but four drops in the fourth qtr to stall drives were the real nails in the titans coffin.

    Oh yeah did anyone mention the TWO fumbles by the special teams deep in their own territory which yielded 14 points???? Take those two turnovers back and who wins the game?
  4. TitanJeff

    TitanJeff Kahuna Grande Staff

    Do you seriously think Collins is supposed to wave his arms, point to the defense and indicate to the WRs they are to run their hot routes? This isn't Pop Warner. The WRs know what to do. If they are not running a quick route it's because they need a deeper pass for a shot at a first down and Dinger thinks the better option is to hope his experienced OL can slow down the rush enough to give Collins time.

    As for hitting CJ in the flat. That's kind of hard when he's trying to help block the blitz.
  5. TitansJonne

    TitansJonne OG triple OG

    Well if he can't hit CJ in the flats cause he's blocking, and can't complete passes under pressure, why are we wasting our time with him. Does anyone honestly think he will take us anywhere? And before you ask me if i think Vince can, I'll answer that. I don't know if he can. He's on the bench watching Kerry do nothing. There's nothing to lose, but a lot to gain. Put the supposed future in the game and see what we have.
  6. Eddyc85

    Eddyc85 Go Bucks!

    Yea I'd like to know where he is too because if it's anywhere near our team I'm gonna be worried.
  7. guitarjunkie

    guitarjunkie We're Screwed...


    So... exactly what part of the body should it hit to catch the ball?
  8. iQon

    iQon Starter

    Titans receivers dropping passes is almost routine. They pulled down some big catches last year and we won a few more games because of it, but now it looks more evident when we lose.
  9. Nine

    Nine Starter

    There's no question that each of these losses has been a team effort. It's not like everybody else played well, and one guy screwed it up for everyone. We've seen catastrophic breakdowns in virtually every area except the running game and run defense.....which means that probably 80% of the team has contributed directly to these losses.

    That said....Collins has to be better. Last year, he did a fine job of managing games and avoiding negative plays....something like 7 INT's and 11 sacks for the entire season.

    Three weeks into this season, he's aready got 4 INT's and 5 sacks....which puts him on track for 20+ INT's and 20+ sacks.

    Then there's the whole issue of clutch performance. Last year, he demonstrated a knack for putting together a late drive and finishing off an opponent. This year, he has consistently crumbled after halftime, and currently has one of worst second-half QB ratings in the NFL.

    Again....there's no point in trying to make him a scapegoat for the team's losses. THe team's shortcomings have been far greater than any one player.

    But through three games, Collins has been somewhere between mediocre and downright awful....and most of that poor performance is on him and him alone.
  10. TitansJonne

    TitansJonne OG triple OG

    He's not a scapegoat. No one is saying he is why we lost. But he is a huge reason why we can't win. The defense plays bad all game. Then get it together in together in the 4th and give collins and the chance to give us the lead and he just hasn't stepped up to the plate.
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