Titans stats and around the league 2020

Discussion in 'Tennessee Titans and NFL Talk' started by titanfanatic, Sep 15, 2020.

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  1. titanfanatic

    titanfanatic I Piss Excellence Staff

    Breon Borders played 100% of the defensive snaps in his first start for the #Titans

    PFF Overall: 77.7
    Coverage: 76.4
    Targeted: 8
    Catches Allowed: 5
    Yards Allowed: 41
    Passer Rating Allowed: 75.5
    Defensive Stops: 6

    Derrick Roberson in his return to the #Titans Defensive rotation:

    Snaps: 50
    Pass Rush Snaps: 36
    PFF Overall: 85.2
    Pass Rush: 80.6
    Total Pressures: 4
    Batted Passes: 1
    Defensive Stops: 2
    Pass Rush Productivity Rank: 23rd Among Edge Rushers

    Desmond King, without practicing, played 70% of the defensive snaps in his first start for the #Titans

    PFF Overall: 63.1
    Coverage: 66.2
    Targeted: 6
    Catches Allowed: 4
    Yards Allowed: 58
    Passer Rating Allowed: 97.9
    Defensive Stops: 1
    Fumble Returns: 1

    Teair Tart in his #Titans Defensive debut:

    Snaps: 22
    Pass Rush Snaps: 18
    PFF Overall: 80.4
    Pass Rush: 60.9
    Total Pressures: 1

    per Fwordspod
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  2. Dman5TX

    Dman5TX Pro Bowler

    I don't understand the Derrick Henry thing because he played 29 snaps and had 20 carries. Tannehill threw it 21 times. So he threw it 50% of the time one of the other backs was on the field and we ran it almost 70% of time Henry was on the field.

    Talk about predictablity. Henry comes in the game defense knows what's happening. I'm hoping this was just because of the short week, but it happened last week too. This has been a trend for whatever reason. Someone needs to ask Art about it
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  3. Johnnyb

    Johnnyb RTR

    Offense was way too predictable yesterday. If we threw it on first down and it was incomplete, 2nd and 10 was a run. The 2nd and 10 run is so archaic and not effective at all. We need to get that crap out of our offense.
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  4. HurrayTitans!

    HurrayTitans! Useless trivia knowledge champion

    Kind of hope we just found something in borders. I know Foles played like garbage (or about as good as he gets) but he looked better than the trash DBs we had the previous few weeks.

    Roberson looked good too. Maybe picking up where he left off last post season.
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  5. HurrayTitans!

    HurrayTitans! Useless trivia knowledge champion

    I get it early in games and for the sake of trying to use it later as diversions but yesterday just seemed like the same drive on repeat at least until Jonnhu finally got used.

    Lot of drops too may have hurt the unpredictability.
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  6. titanfanatic

    titanfanatic I Piss Excellence Staff

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  7. TitanJeff

    TitanJeff Kahuna Grande Staff

    It was perfectly defended, IMO. It was just an amazing pass.
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  8. MrBean

    MrBean Master of Not Much

    Something definitely seems up. They kept showing Henry when he was on the sidelines and he looked to be upset. Not mad and screaming upset, but not his usual happy demeanor on the sidelines.
  9. Dman5TX

    Dman5TX Pro Bowler

    For good reason! If we’re going to have a RBBC why did we sign him to the long term deal?
  10. Johnnyb

    Johnnyb RTR

    Unreal catch too. Both players executed at an insanely high level on that play.
    • Cheers Cheers x 1
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