Titans sign Dick LeBeau

Discussion in 'Tennessee Titans and NFL Talk' started by Dirk Diggler, Feb 3, 2015.

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  1. Aqutis30

    Aqutis30 Do you mind - NOT being a Motaur?

    I agree, and lets be honest; it's hard for Hortons style to work when 95% of his defensive roster is a bunch of scrubs that should be mopping floors over at Saint Thomas Sports Park instead of playing football.
  2. Thaddeus43

    Thaddeus43 Sunshiner President

    So apparently Dick LeBeau will decides who calls the plays according to Whiz.

    Dick will be incharge of the D and Horton will implement.
  3. Thaddeus43

    Thaddeus43 Sunshiner President

    sounds like Dick could also be incharge of personnel decisions
  4. Fairweather Fan

    Fairweather Fan Pro Bowler

    How many other teams out there have similar set ups? Is this a common thing or just some bs the Titans have been doing recently?

    JCBRAVE goTitans 2019 Survivor Champion

    Most teams have assistant head coaches, but not 2.
  6. ImATitan

    ImATitan Pro Bowler

    LeBeau's style is Horton's style. That's just it. It's a perfectly smart move
    • High Five High Five x 1
  7. TitanJeff

    TitanJeff Kahuna Grande Staff

    I think everyone knew the personnel was lacking going into last season. They clearly needed more than one offseason to get the right type of player in there to run this hybrid defenses.

    Having said that, that's the ONLY thing which saved Horton's job, IMO. No matter who you have on defense, there should be improvement during the season. Yes, there were injuries, but I think it's fair to say Horton didn't overachieve last season.

    I know it's not fair to put too much emphasis on this but Horton is 20-44 as a DC. I think Horton is not as good as advertised and Whiz sees an opportunity to get a better mind on that side of the ball so he can focus more on fixing a pathetic offense.
  8. Wolverine

    Wolverine Starter

    Horton wasn't whiz first choice. If you remember he wanted Keith butler but was rejected.
    • High Five High Five x 1
  9. CRUDS

    CRUDS Moderator Staff

    "Is that the pitter patter of lil' Ray Horton's feet?"

  10. Gut

    Gut Pro Bowler

    I disagree. I don't think Horton overachieved, but I think they were probably mediocre considering the offense only kept the ball 17mins a game, we had no pass rush combined with a lot of injuries in the secondary and at OLB...which should be one of the strength's of the 3-4 but was one of our biggest weaknesses.

    I think they brought LeBeau in for a few reasons. They know him, he's a big name and hopefully can IMPROVE the D, but also to show management and ownership they are trying to improve.

    Funny thing is, our offense was an even bigger problem but the HC is essentially our OC. Our WR's went backwards and our OL was bad and Hunter took a few steps backwards. And yet, no offensive changes to the staff?

    Our special teams were also atrocious and again...no changes.

    I'm glad we got LeBeau but if there isn't drastic improvement in OL, WR play on offense, pass rush and tackling on defense, and BLOCKING and coverage teams on special teams...Whis is not long for this job!
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