Titans Second-Round Draft Pick (#52): North Carolina LB Zach Brown

Discussion in 'Tennessee Titans and NFL Talk' started by TitanJeff, Apr 27, 2012.

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  1. TitanJeff

    TitanJeff Kahuna Grande Staff

    Webster said today that the Titans went into the second round looking for a fast OLB. My vibe on this is that they loved his speed and athleticism which reminded me of a lot of second-round picks over the years of players who had freakish measurables who were not extremely productive on the college level.

    Calico, C. Henry, Woolfolk, Troupe...

    Am I the only one who thinks a second-round pick needs to be a more complete package? And for those who call him the next Derrick Brooks? Let's remember Brooks was a first-team All-American as both a junior and senior. Maybe we need to temper expectations a bit.
  2. Fry

    Fry Welcome to the land of tomorrow!

    Some reports from the Senior Bowl via Scott Wright of draftcountdown.com

    It's hard to believe the Senior Bowl has ever had a group of faster, more athletic linebackers. Zach Brown of North Carolina looked every bit the part of a first round pick in drills while Sean Spence of Miami (FL), Nigel Bradham of FSU and Keenan Robinson of Texas also looked extremely fluid. To call this group impressive would be an understatement.

    North Carolina OLB Zach Brown had a GREAT day. Not only did Brown excel in pass coverage, reading the quarterbacks' eyes and moving well. It seems as though Brown was in on almost every play during 7-on-7's. Brown also did a solid job filling gaps. Considering his impressive mix of speed, athleticism and range it's hard to envision Brown escaping the first round.

    Practice moved inside due to weather. No report.

    North Carolina OLB Zach Brown had some good moments but also some bad, including a missed tackle and failing to get his head around in coverage of Ewing's big catch.
  3. Deuce Wayne


    I bet he does look amazing in practice.

    Hell, he looks good on field until the point of contact... then he looks like Deion Sanders.
  4. Deuce Wayne


    ha... Derrick Brooks was a clear DROTY candidate coming in. Anyone making that comparison needs to go back and watch DB videos coming in. Easily called him as dROTY that offseason.

    And I agree. You don't take projects or combine-wonders that early. You get people that can play football.
    • High Five High Five x 1
  5. edward nigma

    edward nigma Starter

    I would agree that he is a project. But, he is the most talented project the Titans may have every had. This may seem funny, but the Titans (Frank Bush) will have to teach him to slow down. If you notice, he is always in the right place just in the wrong position. Once he squares up (and wraps up) he will be fine. He is always going for the highlight, instead of the just making the play.

    Bad thing: alot of missed tackles

    Good thing: always in the area, body positioning and proper tackling technique can be taught. Last, but not least, he is always flying around at 100 mph.

    Outlook: I think he will be a very good player for us, once he learns how to harness all of that god given ability.
  6. Fry

    Fry Welcome to the land of tomorrow!

    I think people are forgetting that he doesn't have to start this season. He has time to learn the position behind Witherspoon and play in sub-packages.
  7. TitansWrath

    TitansWrath Pro Bowler

    He was until they took Thompson three rounds later. I've never seen a prospect with that much potential.
  8. edward nigma

    edward nigma Starter

    On measurables (size to speed ratio) I would agree to an extent. We still don't know if he will be as good as advertised. I understand that SMU doesn't use a TE in their system, but if he was so talented (as a TE in highschool) they should have been able to find a position utilizing his offensive skills. This was probably the only pick that I was completely upset about. I'm not a big fan of playing one position for four years then moving up where the level of play is greater and switching positions. If he struggles to block, I will be very concerned with this selection.
  9. TitanJeff

    TitanJeff Kahuna Grande Staff

    No. He doesn't need to start. But you'd like to see him get on the field during nickel situations this season. Coverage from our LB corp has been a liability for a few seasons.
    • High Five High Five x 1
  10. TitansWrath

    TitansWrath Pro Bowler

    This was my favorite pick of the whole draft, ours our anyone else's. How could the guy NOT be able to block a little bit, he's a brick ___house! And you gotta figure playing DE would help him with the blocking.

    But as a pass catching TE, he should be a STUD. Gronk is a physical freak nobody knows how to stop, and this guy is bigger, faster, and has longer arms and bigger hands.

    For a fifth and a seventh? Hell to the yeah!
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