Titans reach one-year deal with G Deuce Lutui

Discussion in 'Tennessee Titans and NFL Talk' started by Titans Insider, Sep 10, 2012.

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  1. Gunny

    Gunny Shoutbox Fuhrer

    Jeff Fisher...
    • High Five High Five x 1
  2. Kaeotik

    Kaeotik Pro Bowler

    • High Five High Five x 3
  3. Parking Lot B

    Parking Lot B Stud Duck


    And by doing that, we're always stuck with the used, worn out hand-me-downs! Right now, it's just hard to be optimistic about the next few weeks.
  4. Titans Insider

    Titans Insider Titans News

    The Titans’ signing of guard Deuce Lutui gives the team some much-needed depth at a position that’s looking a little fragile right now.

    In Sunday’s loss to New England, guard Leroy Harris was the only member of the starting offensive line not to play every offensive snap, replaced for the last 15 snaps by Kevin Matthews. Titans coach Mike Munchak said the team had been concerned about the health of Harris (who had offseason knee surgery) going into the game, and that Harris “started having some issues” late in the third quarter.

    Munchak said the plan for Harris at this point is to continue to give him a day off or so from practice every week, in hopes that it will “get him over the hump.”

    The Titans are taking a similar tack with the other starting guard, Steve Hutchinson, who’s likely to get a day off from practice many weeks because of general wear and tear accumulated over 11 years.

    Matthews is a capable replacement at guard, but his natural position is center.

    So Lutui could wind up playing a more important role than most offensive linemen signed after the start of the season. A six-year NFL veteran, Lutui started 72 games for Arizona. He was a reserve for the Cards last year, but still played in 15 of 16 contests.

    Munchak was familiar with Lutui from his collegiate days, he explained Tuesday on his weekly radio show on 104.5-FM.

    “He’s a guy we actually coached at the Senior Bowl six years ago,” Munchak said on the show. “I got to know him well from coaching him, so I kind of followed his career, and he really played well there.

    “Because of the guard situation with the guys — Leroy having some issues and his knee being a little sore, not being able to get through games — we wanted to make sure we had another true guard on the roster to help us, a guy who had experience that can come jump right in there if need be.”

    Munchak said Lutui was already deep in study after signing on Tuesday.

    “He’s learning the offense as we speak,” Munchak said on the radio show. “He spent a whole day in the book, and we’d like to try to get him caught up as quickly as we can. So he should be a very good addition for us, especially if we need someone to go in there and play and win football games, and he’s ready to do that.”

    Source: Titans Insider
  5. CRUDS

    CRUDS Moderator Staff

    Super Bowl here we come!
    • High Five High Five x 1
  6. Aqutis30

    Aqutis30 Do you mind - NOT being a Motaur?

  7. Titans Insider

    Titans Insider Titans News

    After the Seahawks cut him in the preseason, 6-foot-4, 338-pound guard Deuce Lutui said there were a few teams that expressed interest in signing him after Week 1. But he held out for the Titans, in part because he’d worked with coach Mike Munchak during the Senior Bowl, and in part because of the reputation of Munchak and offensive line coach Bruce Matthews.

    “I came to work out for these guys a few week ago, so it was definitely in the works,” said Lutui, signed Tuesday to add depth and experience at the guard position. “I had some (teams) interested. But I told Munchak that if he were to call, I’d commit to him. I wanted to get a chance to get work in from two offensive line gurus like Bruce and Mike. They were huge factors in me coming here.”

    A six-year NFL veteran, Lutui started 72 games for the Cardinals. He was a reserve last season, but still played in 15 games. He went to camp with Seattle this year, but was an early cut, beaten out by seventh-round draft pick J.R. Sweezy.

    Lutui will provide much-needed depth at guard for the Titans, considering that both Leroy Harris (knee) and Steve Hutchinson (general wear and tear) will regularly be getting some days off during the practice week.

    “It means something just being here, and knowing the needs and stuff up front, I’m happy to contribute,” Lutui said. “I’ve got a lot of business to give and there’s a lot of football to play, too.”

    Asked to describe his strengths, Lutui said, “Naturally, people would call me a run guy. But I pride myself, too, in the passing game. I’ve got nimble feet for a big guy and can really move in space. I’ve blocked for great passers and runners, and was able to sustain a reputation in this league.”

    Source: Titans Insider
    • High Five High Five x 1
  8. Aqutis30

    Aqutis30 Do you mind - NOT being a Motaur?

    338 lbs? Dang that's a lot of man.
  9. GoT

    GoT Strength and Honor

    if he was any good he would not be available
    • High Five High Five x 2
  10. Kaeotik

    Kaeotik Pro Bowler

    An O-Lineman that got replaced by a rookie 7th round pick and cut by the Seahawks? He'll fit right in with our line!
    • High Five High Five x 1
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