Titans need a TE so bad

Discussion in 'Tennessee Titans and NFL Talk' started by razordaman, Dec 18, 2011.

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  1. Eddyc85

    Eddyc85 Go Bucks!

    Possibly but it would be fun to see. I figured he'd be a 2nd round pick for sure so when he was there in the 3rd round I was hoping we'd get him. I mean I know Cook was still our, "tight end of the future" but A. we hadn't seen anything from him his rookie year and B. the value would have been great and you can never have enough play makers. That's the 2nd time I was really angry about a pick we made in the draft because I knew it wouldn't work. The other being Chris Henry over Steve Smith, I thought Smith was a lock being that we needed a WR and he went to USC. What do I know? Obviously a guy who averaged 3 YPC in college was going to be great in the NFL right?
  2. Titansfan12

    Titansfan12 Starter

    Cook made a mistake but other than that he had over 100 yards. Its all on the playcalling because you know Cook can beat any linebacker. He would be pretty close to Jermichael Finley if he was on the Packers
  3. Fry

    Fry Welcome to the land of tomorrow!

    Except when he's lined up one-on-one with a linebacker and falls down.

    Jared Cook made a bunch of catches today when the game was decided, which is usually what he does.
  4. munie

    munie Starter

    -____- chris henry....I remember dude had only three good highlights coming out of college
  5. Titanic_Sub

    Titanic_Sub Pro Bowler

    The most notable thing Chris Henry ever did:

    [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_0YAhpcrCLg"]Darrell Reid Hit on Chris Henry 12/30/07 - YouTube[/ame]

  6. LoneWolf

    LoneWolf Starter


    my vote if we were to draft a TE in this year's draft
  7. RollTide

    RollTide All-Pro

    Our TEs are fine. The last thing we need to be spending a high pick on is TE. Stevens is a good blocker and Cook is a good receiver if he could just not fumble:grrr:.

    The issue i guess is if we consider Cook a Te at all.
  8. Laserjock

    Laserjock South Endzone Rocks! Staff

    Stevens can flat out catch the ball as well...if Cook could block worth a dang without holding we could get Stevens in the mix more. Every time they have put Stevens in position to make a play he seems to do so.

    Graham is nothing more than a skinny tackle.
  9. LoneWolf

    LoneWolf Starter

    He shouldn't be consider a TE, the offense gets to predictable when he is in there, we need to just move him to WR and we need to find a TE who can catch and block so when we rotate Stevens with someone else we can still mix up the run and pass, because Stevens proven to be able to make some nice caches.
  10. GoT

    GoT Strength and Honor

    I heard John Wayne Gacey was a pretty real good guy, except for all the killings.
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