Titans need a TE so bad

Discussion in 'Tennessee Titans and NFL Talk' started by razordaman, Dec 18, 2011.

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  1. Titanic_Sub

    Titanic_Sub Pro Bowler

    lol i actually thought about that when I posted it but I was to lazy to change it.

    But can we get much worse looking that this goofy overgrown kindergartner?

  2. corymiller

    corymiller New Era Connoisseur

    While I will sound like a homer here...Brandon Barden out of Vanderbilt. Guy is 6'6" and around 260. He isn't near as athletic as Cook but the dude is a baller. He will fly under the radar because of where he went to school and if he gets drafted then it will be in the late rounds...look at this play against Wake Forest...

  3. madeupdreams

    madeupdreams Starter

    I think Allen will be a heck of a pick-up for someone come draft day. He'll go high though, and with our other needs I don't see the Titans placing a priority on TE.

    I was just thinking how nice it would be to have a big time TE for Locker to throw to next year. We had a very good overall draft this year though, so maybe the front office is smart enough to grab us a steal in the mid to late rounds next year.
  4. Fry

    Fry Welcome to the land of tomorrow!

    Yeah, I agree. I don't think the front office will put enough of an emphasis on TE to grab one in the first with all of the defensive woes.

    I don't think Allen will be a top 20 pick though. Seems like the only guys at the TE position that go high are the ones like Vernon Davis and Kellen Winslow Jr who have the off the charts athletic ability, which is something I think Allen lacks.

    I think he compares pretty favorably to Witten. He isn't super athletic but he has fantastic hands, blocks well and runs good routes.
  5. Titanic_Sub

    Titanic_Sub Pro Bowler

    I don't even want another athletic TE, Jake Ballard runs a 40 in >5 seconds and he's doing pretty dece.
  6. Titanup1982

    Titanup1982 All-Pro

    JCBRAVE- Man, you have talked about death upon certain players and now cancer? Yeah, it's serious, but don't wish that stuff on anyone, unless they are out endangering folks.
    • High Five High Five x 1
  7. Eddyc85

    Eddyc85 Go Bucks!

    I really wanted Aaron Hernandez but our front office clearly knew what they were doing when they drafted Rennie Curran.
  8. Titanup1982

    Titanup1982 All-Pro

    For some reason, I don't think Aaron Hernandez wouldn't be as good if he wasn't on the Patriots.

    But the Curran pick has haunted us, BIG TIME.
  9. TorontoTitanFan

    TorontoTitanFan Pro Bowler

    Comparing Cook to Crumpler is ridiculous. They aren't the same player at all. Crumpler was a beast as a blocker and deserves a lot of credit for CJ's big years. Crumpler wasn't brought in to make plays as a receiver downfield.

    Now Troupe. That's a far more apt comparison.
    • High Five High Five x 3
  10. GoT

    GoT Strength and Honor

    I mentioned during the lockout Titans just doo not throw deep over the middle too the TE. Its like it is taboo or something. Other teams have TEs roaming around 20 yards downfield totally free, but Titan TEs are too busy trying to block the MLB or clearing out a 7 yard out for D Williams
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