Titans interested in Brandon Lloyd

Discussion in 'Tennessee Titans and NFL Talk' started by lilkhmerkid4u, Oct 13, 2011.

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  1. theprizdfighter

    theprizdfighter Newb to the 19.5°

    Don't like what they are seeing from Williams? IDK...did you read the article on DWill posted a few days ago? Seems like coaches are high on the kid and expect him to take big strides the rest of the season.

    I also think we still take a WR in the 2nd or 3rd round.

  2. pettso

    pettso Starter

    They can't really say anything but good things to the public (I didn't read the article though, I'll go look it up after this). He's the only receiver on the roster outside of Washington/Britt that has a chance. From what I've seen/heard, he's not reliable (so many drops/miscommunications), he's not in shape (doesn't go 100% on every play) and he's not overly athletic.

    I really want the guy to succeed but this is one issue I agree with Deuce on. He's shown absolutely nothing to date and people on this site think he has great potential. To me, he's a slightly better Hawkins and he'll likely be a career backup. Again, I hope he proves me wrong.
  3. theprizdfighter

    theprizdfighter Newb to the 19.5°

    I agree they can't really say negatives about players publicly without being unprofessional, especially with first or second year players.

    Not being reliable (drops and mis-communications can be expected from a second year receiver)..the whole not being in shape and doesn't go 100% on every play may be cleared up from the article I mentioned. Overly athletic...IDK..that's here nor there.

    And the kid has shown flashes. He showed them last year as a rookie; he's from a big time program (USC, not that it means too much) and has played in the big game atmosphere. The past two games he has been forced into a bigger role and answered with two consecutive games with a TD. Of course none of this guarantees anything, but look for the kid to exceed your and Deuce's expectations and develop into a more than serviceable starting WR.
  4. ImATitan

    ImATitan Pro Bowler

    Apparently the Panthers have pulled out of the Lloyd race. NFL analysts insist Lloyd WILL be traded before Tuesday's deadline passes. The Titans & Rams seem to be in the running. In that case, I like our chances! If we don't land Lloyd, I can see it being a surprise team like the 49ers or Lions trying to strengthen there team for a hard playoff push.
  5. Titanic_Sub

    Titanic_Sub Pro Bowler

    The most I'd give up for him is a 4th, if we can get him for that, or later sign me up!
    • High Five High Five x 1
  6. TheSureThing

    TheSureThing Straight Cash Homie

    I bet the Lions end up with him for a 4th
  7. jessestylex

    jessestylex DeadGirlsCantSayNo

    We need him bad.
  8. RavensShallBurn

    RavensShallBurn Ruck the Favens

    The Lions don't need him. He would help... slightly. But not too much.

    I would seriously give a 3rd. I have always been amazed how much some people value mid to late draft picks. Lloyd was the leading receiver in the NFL and some of y'all have a hard time giving a 3rd or 4th for him???!!! Are you serious?!

    3rd and 4th round picks are riskier than Brandon Lloyd. Just sayin'.
  9. lilkhmerkid4u

    lilkhmerkid4u Somebody Saveeeeeee Meee!

    Why would the Lions want him?

    THey really like their #3WR Titus Young and they already have Nate Burleson
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