Titans @ Colts in primetime

Discussion in 'Tennessee Titans and NFL Talk' started by bulluck4dMVP, Dec 23, 2007.

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  1. GoT

    GoT Strength and Honor

    send Adam Jones up to Indy to "make it rain" or whatever it is he does to get everyone so upset. Then while everyone is obsessing on the obnoxious midget doing a rain dance have the Office Linebacker take out Gayton.
    yeah that's the ticket
  2. OswegoTitan41

    OswegoTitan41 Starter

    man oh man, that is incredible
  3. PhiSlammaJamma

    PhiSlammaJamma Critical Possession

    Peter King said that Dungy told him, one half, or less. But the way they have played this year we could be down 21 before they pull 'em. So we gotta stick with these guys for at least a half. And then take control.
  4. #90

    #90 Camp Fodder

    We stuck with em the first time we played em. I bet he doesn't play more than a quarter...after seeing KVB get 3 sacks - they won't want to risk too much.


    KTOWN TITAN Orca Fighter

    Please yank those starters Indy. I want a playoff trip for x-mas!
  6. bulluck4dMVP

    bulluck4dMVP Pro Bowler

    The Indy injuries keep piling up also.
  7. oochymp

    oochymp Camp Fodder

    Just so you know, the Texans are 7-3 outside of the AFC South (0-5 in divisional games) our division just kicks ***.
  8. Sappersis

    Sappersis "custom user title here"


    Dungy specifically said PEYTON would play no more than half. How many other starters stay in is anyones guess.... but I think you boys really have little to worry about. Comming out of the dome today after the Colts/Texans game I can tell you one thing... We don't really care about the upcomming game. The office would disagree (every game is important blah blah blah) but there won't be serious atmosphere in the dome. I could have taken a nap during the texans game today. Fans are selling off tickets in hopes of affording playoff games. Yes we will play our starters, run a couple plays... but just like we sat players today who "in a playoff situation would have come back on the field" we won't risk anymore injuries. Dungy was clear...if the Browns had played better they wouldn't be in this position. It's not the Colts job to get someone into the playoffs.

    You'll need to play a solid first half, but the second half shouldn't be much of a worry for you.

    Wish you all the best.

    P.S. For any Titans fans who are attending the game. Some other members of Coltfreaks and myself pregame together. If you are interested in spending some time with a HOT COLTS FAN (phonsie) and myself let me know. You are all welcome.
  9. BigRed3

    BigRed3 Straight Cash, Homey

    Yeah... but they've beat some pretty crappy teams to pad that record. KC, Carolina, Miami, Oakland, New Orleans, Denver, and Tampa Bay are all of their wins.
  10. galaril

    galaril Camp Fodder

    I only hope the Titans coaches and players don't think everyone here. If the Titans go out there hoping for Manning to get pulled early or Addai not to run hard etc they will lose no matter who suits up. We have to go out there and just take care of OUR business and let the Colts do whatever they do. We should be dictated the game situations not reacting to them.
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