Titans @ Bengals Game Thread

Discussion in 'Tennessee Titans and NFL Talk' started by TitanJeff, Nov 25, 2007.

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  1. Alex1939

    Alex1939 Space Invaders Champion


    This is hard to watch.
  2. TitanFanBudMan

    TitanFanBudMan Professor

    I think I can be the one to grade the Titans this week.

    F, F, F, F, F, F, F, F
  3. UVATitan

    UVATitan Camp Fodder

    the important thing to remember is that none of us really thought we were a playoff team this year, so we are now returning back to those early expectations
  4. Gene the PIG

    Gene the PIG I'm Winning The Future

    The Titans have no heart. None.
  5. Laserjock

    Laserjock South Endzone Rocks! Staff

    This is embarrassing and there is NO excuse for this kind of play.

    Either this wakes this team up and they come out and take it out on the Texans next week or we see this team go winless the rest of the season....which I am about 50/50 on at this point.

    Offense was terrible and the defense...well...we all have seen how ridiculousl the defensive play has been the past 3 weeks.

    If Al is hurt this bad then we don't need to tie up a ton of money on the guy. If our defense cannot survive without this one guy then why risk the money on a guy who has yet to play a full season for one reason or another?

    Spend the money to fill a bunch of holes in the defense.

    Pathetic we make a team as bad as Cincy has been look like the Patriots.
  6. Bobo

    Bobo Guest

    He's my FF QB, but I'm cussing him now. Actually I'm cussing the Titans.

    "Playoffs!?!?! Playoffs???"
  7. Gene the PIG

    Gene the PIG I'm Winning The Future

    Scaife is good at catching the ball when we're down by 29
  8. Vigsted

    Vigsted Starter

    Exactly. We obviously have a ton of holes all over.

    And why did Fisher not challenge that call? I thought it was close.
  9. UVATitan

    UVATitan Camp Fodder

    so i understand that the defense sucks now because of not having al but why is our run game so pathetic now compared to before?
  10. Bobo

    Bobo Guest

    Well at least gage makes a nice catch....out of bounds :-/

    And Troupe just has to bobble the ball 13 times before he can catch it :ha:
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