titans agree to terms with marks

Discussion in 'Tennessee Titans and NFL Talk' started by Fry, Jul 28, 2009.

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  1. TBC_titan

    TBC_titan Camp Fodder

    He's going to miss more than that if he doesn't get his head out of his :grrr::grrr::grrr: and sign already.
    The more he misses, the more I bet that Dinger will do the same to him as he did with Hawk last year. That is, unless Britt just comes out and blows it straight up for the days he is in TC.

    JCBRAVE goTitans 2019 Survivor Champion

    I think Britt not signing is a little different than Hawkins being late. Britt is our 1st round receiver. Not to often does that happen in Tennessee. So I'm betting Britt could miss as much as a weekends worth of training camp, and not be penalized. He will however be playing catch up all season long if he doesn't get something done. And that in its self is enough to waste a season that could be big for him. I hope he does make it happen, not just for himself but for our team.
  3. TBC_titan

    TBC_titan Camp Fodder


    My bad. That wasn't exactly how I was comparing them. Sorry. I meant that if Britt misses enough TC and hasn't learned the playbook (like Dinger said of Hawk last season), then he's going to be in the same boat as Hawk last year concerning playing time. I staunchly disagree with the way Dinger handled Hawk last year (by making it too complicated for him than it needed to be), but I'm not the OC there. Oh well.
  4. GoTitans3801

    GoTitans3801 Forward Progress!

    Well, it's happened three out of the last four years, so I wouldn't say it was rare. (CJ and Griffen missed their first practice)
  5. Fry

    Fry Welcome to the land of tomorrow!

    reese was great at getting guys in before camp started. two holdouts in all his years.
  6. TheSureThing

    TheSureThing Straight Cash Homie

    you guys don't realize, It's probably not Britt holding this up, It's probably his agent...usually the agent runs the show with this type of thing unless the player makes it an important matter to be in camp day 1.

    Agents want to "perform" as well, and they way they do that is get every dollar out of all of their clients they can. Impress the agency, impress the player, etc...
  7. TBC_titan

    TBC_titan Camp Fodder

    ...and fill their own pockets with more commission dollars. Don't forget that.

    Yeah, I'm fully aware that this is his agent. But those restrictions we've suggested would put the agent on the spot to get things done quickly (and curb the greed). I mean if the player doesn't get paid for not signing on time like they should, then the agent doesn't get his/her commission either. It's a win-win situation for everyone.
  8. TitanJeff

    TitanJeff Kahuna Grande Staff

    20 of the 32 first-round picks remain unsigned this morning.
  9. Soxcat

    Soxcat Pro Bowler

    Give this some thought. The difference in money right now can't be all that much. Britt isn't a FA, he is a draft pick. Trying to say the agent is holding out for an extra couple of hundreds of dollars is ridiculous. There could be a little disagreement on the up front money but one of the toughest things to get over is the length of the contract. My guess is MR wants at least a 4 year deal. Britt might want a 3 year deal making him a RFA his 4th year. Either way this will get worked out before the end of the weekend so it is no big deal.
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