The Remaining Schedule, and how we'll finish

Discussion in 'Tennessee Titans and NFL Talk' started by Lava, Oct 5, 2009.

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  1. Lava

    Lava Camp Fodder

    Week 5: vs. Colts
    Week 6: @ Patriots
    Week 7: BYE
    Week 8: vs. Jaguars
    Week 9: @ 49ers
    Week 10: vs. Bills
    Week 11: @ Texans
    Week 12: vs. Cardinals
    Week 13: @ Colts
    Week 14: vs. Rams
    Week 15: vs. Dolphins
    Week 16: vs. Chargers
    Week 17: @ Seahawks

    I can't see us beating the Colts or Patriots the way we're playing right now, which puts us at 0-6 going into the bye. After that, I can't really pencil in any games I think should be sure-wins other than the Rams.

    We already know it will be a long season, but boy will :grrr::grrr::grrr::grrr: start hitting the fan if we go 0-6, which seems highly likely. Anybody here see us getting over 5 wins on the season? If so, which games?
  2. Woy

    Woy PA's finest.

    We're winning out and going 12-4.

    /massive homeristic prediction
  3. customtitan

    customtitan Special Teams Standout

    5 games is the most i can honestly see us winning, and that might be a stretch. im not solely goin off the last game either. we have no fire and have become more predictable than i thought was possible under fisher ( i mean how can you get more predictable than typical fisher ball, some how we found a way)

    truely sad... when you stop and think, we're the same team minus 1 DT and some assistants. went from 13-3 to hoping for 5 wins! somethings gotta give
    • High Five High Five x 1
  4. TitansJonne

    TitansJonne OG triple OG

    I don't see us beating any1, not the way were playing. We are the clowns of the afc south. So much for proving last year wasn't a fluke.
  5. lateknight

    lateknight Master Opinionist

    Five wins at most if no changes are made. Fisher, in the words of New York's finest news anchor, is going to keep **cking that chicken. So I expect we stumble to a five win season.

    JCBRAVE goTitans 2019 Survivor Champion

    Guys were done. It's clear Fisher would rather sink on the "S.S. Kerry Collins" than turn to Vince. I almost get the whole sticking with Collins thing, only because of what they went out and did for him to be happy. You know getting him three new targets, paying him waaaay to much, and all. But it agitates me to hell and back that Fisher would rather lose than win to save face, and keep his twink lover Kerry Collins content. You guys going to this game please boo the crap out of Collins the moment he slips up. In fact make it known that we don't like this crap, and boo Fisher when he takes the field.
  7. Riverman

    Riverman That may be.... Tip Jar Donor

    I think we can handle the Rams. That's it.
    • High Five High Five x 1
  8. iQon

    iQon Starter

    The way we're playing, makes me weary of pretty much every game on there. With the exception of whatever that NFC division is. That's probably the worst division in the league.

    But I still have hope we can pick up a nice little run. I still can't get over 0-4. They couldn't have picked a worse year to do this. So many teams I've prayed to see on our schedule and the team becomes Top 5 in the draft.
  9. SawdustMan

    SawdustMan #ChampChamp

    With no changes and at our current level of play... I'd say the best we can hope for is 1, maybe 2 wins (Rams and/or Bills).

    If our coach admits we are the joke of the league and gets it through his thick skull that changes need to be made... maybe 5, 6 wins.

    May sound pessimistic but I'd feel like a big time delusional homer to sit here and say I see us hitting .500 or better. As is abundantly clear, we have tons of issues. Considering we've been hearing for weeks now that things will be fixed and so far nothing has been I just don't see us working out enough of our problems to save this season. I'm all for VY taking over but he won't help our pathetic pass defense any. And he certainly can't do anything about our lame playcalling.
  10. Gut

    Gut Pro Bowler


    Hardest teams to beat will be the Pats, Colts, Cards and Chargers (if they get healthy and remember how to play defense). Easiest teams to beat are the Rams, Dolphins, Bills, and Jags. Solid teams are the Texans, 49ers, Seahwaks.

    With our pass d, it's hard to see how we can beat the Pats without knocking brady out of the game. Same thing with the Colts although I think they haven't looked as good as they used to. Double wayne and control Clark and that's most of their offense. The Cards will be hard and the Chargers look very beatable right now. The Rams and Dolphins should pose no threat but the Bills passing attack could be a problem and the Jags just smoked us. The Texans already beat us at home, the 49ers are playing inspired ball (but I have doubts about their QB) and the Seahawks can look good or bad any week.

    We could realistically go 9-3 beating the Jags, Bills, Dolphins, Rams, Texans, 49ers, Seahawks, Colts and Chargers. We have the talent to do it and need a few things to be corrected and stop making so many mistakes. It feels like the end of the world when you don't have one win. Beat a quality opponent like the Colts or Pats and we won't be left for dead. Go into the break 0-6 and the next paragraph is more likely.

    We could also go 6-6 beating the Seahawks, 49ers, Texans, Rams, Dolphins, and Bills. I find it hard to believe we'll get swept by the Colts, Jags and Texans in one year. 6-6 the rest of the way gives us a record of 6-10 and guarantees we'll see VY play at least 8 games this season.

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