The Official Offseason Thread

Discussion in 'Tennessee Titans and NFL Talk' started by Sonic28, Dec 31, 2011.

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  1. titantrusince82

    titantrusince82 I'm down with the Titans for better or worse

    We are going to have to wait for June/July cuts from other teams to get some of our missing pieces. We brought in a lot of FA, and we only struck gold with 2 players. We all know why! We low ball FA, and players go to the highest bidder or contender. With that said, our Hall of Fame HC and Line coach have to coach the offensive line up. I know! ken has to go. However, the remainders will be ok. Hutch will create running lanes! And our play action is going to be he$$ because Britt will demand a double team. I just don't want to see anymore 3rd and 3s become 3rd and 8 because of a false start. Then Matt throw a 5 yard pass pattern to create 4th and 3. I hated that last year.
  2. Gunny

    Gunny Shoutbox Fuhrer

    wtf is ken?
  3. titantrusince82

    titantrusince82 I'm down with the Titans for better or worse

  4. nbtoppers2

    nbtoppers2 Pro Bowler

    are you really a fan? amato is the long snapper.

    AmaNo is the fat piece of garbage that needs replacing.
    • High Five High Five x 2
  5. Big Time Titan

    Big Time Titan Big Time Titan

    Give the guy a break Amano and Amato is pretty close.

    I can see how someone might get their names mixed up. Not me of course because I've never been a fan of Eugene's but I still understand how they might be confused.
  6. Titanic_Sub

    Titanic_Sub Pro Bowler

    I forgot about Amato, and how am I reminded? by him being confused with the biggest bum on the Titans. This is unfortunate.
  7. Gunny

    Gunny Shoutbox Fuhrer

    I honestly didn't know Ken was still on the team.
  8. xpmar9x

    xpmar9x The Real Slim Shady

    Tennessee Titans
    Needs: CB, WR, DE

    Despite low expectations coming into the year and a holdout by star running back Chris Johnson, the Titans nearly made the playoffs in 2011. Head coach Mike Munchak has a solid roster, but losing cornerback Cortland Finnegan to the Rams was a blow to the secondary. Finding another pass defender is definitely in the cards. Free-agent pickup Kamerion Wimbley returns to a full-time defensive end spot after playing a lot of linebacker in Oakland's 3-4 the past two seasons. Wimbley replaces free-agent loss Jason Jones.

    Veteran Matt Hasselbeck and 2011 first-round pick Jake Locker played well in spots last fall, and a healthy Kenny Britt (who was lost for the season in Week 3 with a knee tear) will make them more effective. Adding another legitimate big-play threat outside to work with Britt and Nate Washington seems prudent. Johnson seems happy, and he'll benefit from new starting guard Steve Hutchinson (who probably reminds Munchak of himself when he was a Pro Bowl guard). With a solid aerial attack and a strong ground game, the Titans could be contenders in the division.

    From -
  9. titantrusince82

    titantrusince82 I'm down with the Titans for better or worse

    I meant Amano. Don't ask about my loyalty. I've been down since Oliver Luck was our QB! Some of you "online gangsters" really make me laugh. Smart axxes over the Internet.
  10. xpmar9x

    xpmar9x The Real Slim Shady

    I can't believe they didn't mention center? Amano is terrible, but it wasn't 100% his fault. Scott & Harris were both pretty crappy last year too. Not saying adding Hutchinson will magically turn Amano into a pro-bowl center, that's just not going to happen. Our entire interior OL sucked, and i'm just praying we upgrade center. Jeff Faine is still a FA, and i'd love him to come play for us. We do that and we don't need to focus on center in the first three rounds. Faines only 30, and can play for multiple years.

    Then we can focus on DL and DB
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