The official Corey Dillion or Michael Turner thread..

Discussion in 'Tennessee Titans and NFL Talk' started by goawayschwartz, Apr 5, 2007.

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  1. Fry

    Fry Welcome to the land of tomorrow!

    if lendale cant do that, he isnt worth a roster spot. i mean, that is supposed to be his forte.
  2. Puck

    Puck Pro Bowler

  3. Yeah... but this time it's "official" :ha:
  4. Puck

    Puck Pro Bowler

  5. zackmann

    zackmann Guest


    I think he can be had for less than Schuab was traded for...

    if we would trade for him, which offer would you prefer?

    -Swap 1st round picks (19 to 30) and a 3rd rounder

    -Our 2nd rounder only
  6. BigRed3

    BigRed3 Straight Cash, Homey

    Your not going to get Turner for just a second round pick IMO.
  7. Puck

    Puck Pro Bowler

    there's quite a few guys I'd like who project as 2nd Rounders

    I like swapping 1sts and giving up the 4th we got for McNair
  8. Turner will probably go for a 2nd round value (2nd round pick or swap of 1st rounders), give or take. Just look at what the Bills got for Travis Henry and Willis McGahee, both of whom were more proven. Hell, Marshall Faulk was only traded for a high 2nd and a 5th...
  9. zackmann

    zackmann Guest

    a quick look at the draft chart...

    Swap of 1st rounders + 3rd = 430 points

    2nd rounder = 400

    give or take a few if I misread a wrong box...
  10. Spinnaker

    Spinnaker Guest

    i personally think turner would be better and more long term, but i would take dillon as well. all i know is that we absolutely NEED one of them
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