Thank You, Chris Johnson

Discussion in 'Tennessee Titans and NFL Talk' started by TheSureThing, Apr 4, 2014.

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  1. Ghost

    Ghost 3 Time US Navy 7th Fleet "Hogging" Champion

    dude is gone.

    why the hell does any of this matter?
    • High Five High Five x 1
  2. Scarecrow

    Scarecrow All-Pro

    His production on the field is enough evidence for me.
    • High Five High Five x 1
  3. Hormesis

    Hormesis Pro Bowler

    He had production on the field? Hmmm
  4. GoT

    GoT Strength and Honor

    to bad :cj: didnt make a play there, you know like playmakers do and tings' like dat
  5. Two Kings

    Two Kings NJ Titan

    Lol thank you. This was my immediate "go to analogy" I just didn't know how to phrase it.
    • High Five High Five x 1
  6. UrbanLegend3

    UrbanLegend3 Pro Bowler

    Eh, I wouldn't be so quick to discount Wyatt's opinion. I do see him as a reputable source. If he says people in the Titans FO weren't happy with CJ I believe his report.If it was PK I wouldn't put so much stock in it since he's the imperial grand wizard of the CJ haters. I remember how Wes Welker came to leave New England because he and Bill had personal issues, so let's not pretend that the FO and players always hold the same opinions regarding particular players.

    Also the idea that ex teammates never say negative things about a guy who left is total bull.We see all the time that when a guy who is a bad team mate leaves guys can't wait to line up and take their shots at him as he exits.

    As terrible a team mate and person as many of you make CJ out to be it would be expected that at least a few of his team mates would say negative things but the exact opposite has happened. So instead of just pretending guys never take shots at each other is it remotely possible that the guy isn't the villain you've all decided he MUST be?
  7. TheSureThing

    TheSureThing Straight Cash Homie


    And IMO that's you being a character assassin.
  8. Hormesis

    Hormesis Pro Bowler

    I am not a CJ hater. I just questioned his drive on his on field performance. It is true that when he held out, I lost interest in him as a Titan. I know why he did it, and I can't really blame him for going after his best interest. After saying that, I never saw a man that wanted to hang it out for his team. CJ never put it in on himself. He never took his own responsibility (it was always the fault of someone else). He was and is dynamic. It just seemed that when he had an opportunity to get the one or two yards that we really needed and that was available to him, he failed more than succeeded. I wont miss him.
  9. TitansWillWin2

    TitansWillWin2 Pro Bowler


    Ok two problems here. First you are referencing Paul K. who has been notriously known to hate CJ and is an idiot. Secondly, nowhere in that article does he state that CJ's work ethic was poor. GTFO once again.
  10. TitansWillWin2

    TitansWillWin2 Pro Bowler


    Also Delanie Walker even said losing CJ is HUGE loss. The guy who most people on here thought he was calling CJ a cancer. How can losing a a "cancer" player be a big loss. Open your eyes people. JCBRAVE The Hammer
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