Terrance Copper ?

Discussion in 'Tennessee Titans and NFL Talk' started by Puck, Mar 14, 2007.

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  1. PAtitansfan53

    PAtitansfan53 Kush & OJ

    How many fumbles did he have exactly?
  2. GLinks

    GLinks Second Gear


    Draft pick

    Well...this could get sticky....Givens will probably start the season on IR, but if we sign Curtis and someone like Copper or Gage, then add a draft pick, we're looking at possibly having to cut someone. I would like to see Orr on the field at least a little bit before parting ways with someone. And if we did, who would be on the outs? Uhhh. Wish that trio would just step up and take over. They were drafted to be 1,2,3 at WR - Jones #1, Roby deep threat, Williams possession. Come on already! I'm afraid we're going to say goodbye to one of these guys before their time.
  3. PAtitansfan53

    PAtitansfan53 Kush & OJ

    Roby is out he did nothing from a WR stand point. It's either Orr.....or Roby I think maybe Williams not sure he has shown some glimpses here and there but not as much as a rookie so look for one of those to be cut most likely Roby if we sign a guy and draft a WR. Hopefully Copper and Bowe, Meachem, or Rice. If not take Gonzo from the second tier of WR's.
  4. RollTide

    RollTide All-Pro

    Hard to get excited here.....

    This is a guy who did absolutely nothing for 2 years. then in his third season he got beat out of a starting job by a rookie and caught 23 balls, big deal.

    Because he is still young he might be worth bringing just to compete and give us another comparable guy to roby, williams and orr but those guys are entering their 3rd and 2nd years copper is already a 4th year guy.

    He is not at bobby wade's level and they damn well better not be paying him that kind of money. Any WR could have got 23 catches in that saints offense last year. Horn was hurt and colston missed some time. He had plenty of snaps to be productive.
  5. RollTide

    RollTide All-Pro


    I think that he can develop into one of the better wrs in the league because he has all the tools to succeed and has already had a little success,

    You can't be serious. This guy has done almost nothing for 3 seasons. What tools? Tools to make a team and cover punts? He caught 23 balls in an offense that led the whole nfl in passing yards. Wow. He caught those 23 balls in his third season! How many seasons does he need to develop?

    Roby, williams and jones have done as much or more in 2 years than what he did in 3.
  6. Soxcat

    Soxcat Pro Bowler

    Thats my feeling as well. A guy like Curtis could contribute and would help fill the void left by the loss of Bennett and Wade but we still have Roby, Williams and Orr and if we have any confidence in those guys stepping up we are better off sticking with them. Roby and Williams are entering their 3rd year which is a good year to see improvment for a WR and apparenlty they are high on Orr. If we do add a draft pick we will have a full roster of WRs. Having an extra average WR doesn't improve the roster.
  7. GLinks

    GLinks Second Gear

    Hmmm. It appears that Terrance Copper may get another look now.
  8. GLinks

    GLinks Second Gear


    ...and that kinda sucks.
  9. Puck

    Puck Pro Bowler

    23 receptions
    18 of those were first downs

    that's pretty strong
  10. RollTide

    RollTide All-Pro

    Puck how?

    All that means is that he wasn't on the field for 1st and second downs. He was 4th on his team in recepts and yards. When is that ever impressive?
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