Steve McNair is shaking his head...

Discussion in 'Tennessee Titans and NFL Talk' started by Abe Froman, Nov 14, 2010.

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  1. dbc5631

    dbc5631 Starter

    Just listened to the press conference, VY wanted to play. Let's not blame him for not starting.
  2. TitanBlazer

    TitanBlazer Starter

    The problem is Jeff doesn't have the same confidence in VY as he did in SM... so whenever he has even a little excuse he will use it to bench VY.
  3. Eddyc85

    Eddyc85 Go Bucks!

    Well according to you we're better off with Collins.
  4. eds clothing

    eds clothing Camp Fodder

    Well if he thought he was healthy enough to play why wouldn't he play is that a coach call on that situation? I mean if my Starter was healthy enough to play I would of started him just seem strange.
  5. VYoungMVP

    VYoungMVP Camp Fodder

    lmao this thread is retarded... deuce is right on point on this one.. eddy, you took his posts the wrong way, hes blaming fish just like you are. vince should have started, thats evident. this one is on fisher. you cant just tell ur headcoach im gonna play and go into the huddle if you dont start me, thats the stupidest thing ive ever heard. football is a game, yes, but its a job for these guys too and part of their job is listenin to ur coach even if u dont agree.. thats what the coach is there for. i know we lost and ppl arent thinkin straight but blaming vince for not starting himself? u gotta b dumb as hell
  6. Abe Froman

    Abe Froman Sausage King of Chicago


    ...Vince, is that you?
  7. VYoungMVP

    VYoungMVP Camp Fodder


    nice post, thanks for your input man. very insightful

    lol i havent posted much in these forums just for this very point, i made this waay back when we first drafted vince, because i wanted us to make that pick and i was glad that we did make that pick. But im not a vince apologist, he has messed up big time since being here and i questioned if he was our franchise qb but i always thot he had all the tools to be that qb. But ok, completely disregard my points because of my forum username, seems like the kinda logic that you post with.
  8. Chapparal97

    Chapparal97 Grumpy Old Fart

    Cruds mentioned it on another thread and he's correct........VY is not the long term answer for this franchise. KFC will be gone soon, and he is a quality backup, but he'll be gone. VY is not the answer. The Titans really need to have their scouts looking for someone to draft in 2011.
    • High Five High Five x 1
  9. costarica2

    costarica2 Banned forever

    Actually in warm ups Vince was talking with Nate and Moss then he started hyping all the titans.Then he put on his helmet and Jeff went and talk to him then he put on his cap right after that and that was 5 minutes before the game.

    Vince was rdy he was at full speed in warm ups its all Fish.
  10. Tackhead #9

    Tackhead #9 Harder, better, faster, stronger

    I consider this thread a fury of the moment sort of thing. Usually I'm not one for the doom and gloom, but you kinda tugged on my heartstrings with talk of McNair.

    At a later date, I'll reason that a healthy Collins is solid enough to start, and is better than risking re-injury to Vince and losing him for the year. It's a decision that made sense.

    But for now... goddammit man, get on the field, Vince!!
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