So guys, about those last two games....

Discussion in 'Tennessee Titans and NFL Talk' started by SawdustMan, Jan 3, 2014.

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  1. JR1980

    JR1980 Pro Bowler

    3 losing seasons-soon to be 4, I guess that's motivating...we had hmm, 1 decent free agent noteworthy of that 100 million, and sure we don't panic, mainly because we do not close out games and don't expect to......Not throwing a tantrum man, it's a fact...I am pissed because I am a fan....because this makes zero sense....because personal relationships mean more than running a good business according to this ownership
  2. Ten_Titans

    Ten_Titans Pro Bowler

    Ok, except none of those are true.

    What free agents have we gotten? No one else wanted Pollard and Levitre is hot garbage. And don't get me started on manning.

    Motivated to win, and "has been there" in the 4th quarter.

    This is the NFL... Every team "has been there" in the 4th quarter. Munch's team has consistently failed to finish when having the lead late, or has gone from a chance to comeback to getting blown out late, or "too little too late".

    In fact, our late game play has been really poor, and isn't really a good expression of a solid motivator.

    Unless that constipated look gets you fired up... But, not me.
  3. UrbanLegend3

    UrbanLegend3 Pro Bowler

    I believe that there are teams that are talented but too inexperienced to close out wins. I've seen it with my own eyes. That won't happen to this team next year, we're battle tested. No one will be taking their foot off the gas because we saw what happens when we do.Walker was a good investment, Pitoatua was good, Wilson was good,Pollard was good. I wouldn't wanna lose any of those guys and Munch brought them in. Hell Pollard already lobbied for Munch. I would argue keeping Munch might make it even a bit easier to re-sign Pollard.
  4. Deuce Wayne



    You missed the point. I said "These are the arguments against Munch"... which were the easy, lazy forms of analysis.

    Unfortunately for you guys- it goes a bit deeper than that.

    :) I'd explain, but you won't understand. "But but but hims wuz 2-20 versus winnang tames!!"

    I'm better at this than you guys. I can argue both sides. It's part of being objective... and smart.

    For instance:

    - Team was competitive in all games but 2. (Denver/San Fran)... great teams.
    - Team was 7-3 when winning turnover ratio. (meaning- player error/not coaching)
    - Team was lead by backup QB and still managed 7 wins.
    - Many game ending interceptions. That's not coaching.
    - Players love playing for this staff. They buy-in. Never quit even when out of playoff picture.
    - Talent is there- add a few pieces through draft and possibly FA and this team is easily in the playoffs.
    - Team lost by under one score 6 times this season... six. That's huge.
    • High Five High Five x 1
  5. UrbanLegend3

    UrbanLegend3 Pro Bowler

    It's easy to say Levitre is hot garbage right now but hindsight is 20/20 my friend. This time last year people on this board were nutting all over themselves at just the idea of signing Levitre and were ecstatic when Munch signed him. Levitre himself stated that being coached by Munch and Matthews was a big reason he signed here. So it's intellectually dishonest to at like Munch bringing Levitre in wasn't a big deal. I know Warmack had no choice in the matter but he really wanted to come here because of Munch too. I'll give you that it hasn't amounted to much SO FAR but the book is far from closed on Warmack and Levitre.Not sure why you're conveniently brushing the Manning stuff aside because Munch almost single-handedly landed the guy and had he pulled it off we wouldn't be having this conversation.

    I disagree with you that almost doesn't mean anything. It may not matter as much as actually winning but it does matters. Playing every game close is a huge improvement from getting blown out. Life isn't composed of absolutes and improvement matters. Things don't just go from worst to first often in life. I know people are all about instant gratification but some things take time. I expect us to win a lot of those close games next year. I'm sure you will disagree with all of this, but the case has been made.
  6. LosingBy3

    LosingBy3 Starter

    Maybe the O-line just had a hard time adjusting this season, and will be set straight next year. I'd like that, no point in bringing in some serious hog mollies to block if they don't improve. Stewart by far, has been the worst though, but I like Roos...
  7. JR1980

    JR1980 Pro Bowler

    The beauty of these threads and this site, is that it will be here next season around the same time....I will be the first s.o.b here to show each of you defending Munch your optimistic posts and reminding you of our 4 consecutive seasons of sub .500 winning. ;-)
  8. UrbanLegend3

    UrbanLegend3 Pro Bowler

    I'm fine with that. I'll gladly admit I was wrong and kindly get over it and look forward to the future. Won't bother me one bit.
    • High Five High Five x 1
  9. JR1980

    JR1980 Pro Bowler

    Class act....I'll give you that, but we deserve better my friend
  10. TitanJeff

    TitanJeff Kahuna Grande Staff

    Pure speculation.
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