So guys, about those last two games....

Discussion in 'Tennessee Titans and NFL Talk' started by SawdustMan, Jan 3, 2014.

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  1. CalgaryTitansFan

    CalgaryTitansFan Pro Bowler

    So we have a higher pick AND we get to keep MM? I honestly can't put into words how retarded this is. Oh wait, yes I can but all you would see is mother ****ing ***** ass ****ing stars!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. JR1980

    JR1980 Pro Bowler

    This ridiculousness puts us at Jaguars/Browns level man....Even they had the balls to pull the trigger! It's a tough day trying to be a Titans fan when the ownership basically looks you in the eyes and says FU$& YOU!!!
  3. Ten_Titans

    Ten_Titans Pro Bowler

    I don't think its that simple.

    Those games were meaningless because we couldn't make the playoffs. But the thing is, that isn't reflected in the final win-loss.

    We won those games. Those meaningless ass games. But when TS looked at Win loss, Division Record, etc.

    Those games don't have asterics.

    When the Browns next coach starts 0-6, the rest of the games will technically be meaningless. But that doesn't mean he won't be clawing for 3 wins. Because 3-13 is better than 0-16.You see what I'm saying?

    You can't defend 0-6 in the division and, meaningless or not, those would have lost him his job.
    • High Five High Five x 1
  4. UrbanLegend3

    UrbanLegend3 Pro Bowler

    Yeah, they've pulled the trigger again, and again, and again, and again. Hasn't worked out to well for them. The Jags played well under Del rio for a while and he's now a very successful coordinator in Denver. Firing him sure as hell didn't help them too much did it?
  5. JR1980

    JR1980 Pro Bowler

    We can't beat teams above .500, but we are right there.....We haven't made a playoff appearance in 5 years, but we are right there....7-9 isn't bad, we are right there......The nerve to be a fan and defend that makes me question people's idea of success and being competitive.....
    • High Five High Five x 1
  6. JR1980

    JR1980 Pro Bowler

    okay, so how many losing seasons and bs do you want then? 5-6?!?! I'd rather lose trying than to accept and lay the F down
  7. Ten_Titans

    Ten_Titans Pro Bowler

    Ok... I think we are zeroing in on why we should fire Munch...

    Seriously though, give me one redeeming quality for Munch.

    I'll help you. "Now that Munch is coming back, at least our team will be good at _______"

    Losing? Choking? Beating most of the bad teams? Getting the 15-21 pick?

    I'm not trying to be a sinnic, but I seriously can't complete that statement with something positive.

    The man is a waste of a position as a head coach and it is a crying shame.
    • High Five High Five x 2
  8. UrbanLegend3

    UrbanLegend3 Pro Bowler

    Well we are already losing while trying to win and part of the reason Munch is coming back is precisely because the team didn't lay down so it looks like we're already doing what you'd "rather" do. And for the record I would like a 12-14 win season in which we win the superbowl. It's not realistic but it's what I want. I just won't throw a tantrum if it doesn't happen. I'll be disappointed, sigh, maybe mumble some depressing crap and start drinking.
  9. UrbanLegend3

    UrbanLegend3 Pro Bowler

    Now that Munch is coming back our team will be good at bringing in quality free agents, getting our players motivated to win, and at not panicking in close games because we've been there before. There's 3.
  10. JR1980

    JR1980 Pro Bowler

    Then we share things in common...but sadly, it will be years until we see that...Especially since he is our coach and Locker is our QB.
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