Second half of the season predictions

Discussion in 'Tennessee Titans and NFL Talk' started by Whitters21, Nov 16, 2020.

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  1. Whitters21

    Whitters21 Starter

    We have gone from the number 1 seed in the AFC to the number 9 seed in the space of a month with 3 straight AFC losses. After the Bears likely lose tonight, we will have only actually beaten one winning team this year (Bills). It appears our 5-0 start was a mirage but we are not a bad team. Unfortunately we probably are a .500 team.

    There's only so far you can go with this defense and special teams. Certainly we're not set up to make a run in January the way things stand. Offensively we have regressed, mainly due to o-line issues but the offense is not the main problem we have before some of you immediately start blaming Tannehill. Although all 3 phases of the team need to step up.

    With the Ravens, Colts and Browns the 3 next weeks, we will need to actually beat some decent football teams or our 5-0 start will be 6-6 before we know. That would be a very Titans thing to do.

    I'm feeling very pessimistic for a 6-3 team. Hopefully we can stop the rot with some stronger performances. Coaching also needs to massively step up.

    What is everyones view and final season prediction? I genuinely think we could be staring down the barrell of 9-7 again and that might not cut it for a WC birth in the AFC this season.
  2. Ontario Titan

    Ontario Titan Pro Bowler

    I want to stay optimistic but its difficult

    L- Playing Baltimore on the road after they just lost to NE, they will be fired up

    L- in Indy, their defense is better

    W vs Cleveland but not entirely sure

    W in Jax again not sure, they just played GB very well

    W - Det

    L - GB, Rodgers is going to light us up

    W - in Houston??

    9-7, 10-6 is very optimistic at this point
  3. RTH

    RTH Meh...

    I wouldn't be shocked at all to find us fighting to not be last in the AFCS...
    • LOL LOL x 1
  4. Ontario Titan

    Ontario Titan Pro Bowler

    I re-watched the Ravens playoff game fro last year...the team was fired up, we seem to be missing that fire.

    Hindsight 20/20....but should have kept Casey over Clowney and kept Logan Ryan over Beasley. Continuity I thought was a big thing with this staff? leadership is missing big time.
    • Hit the Target Hit the Target x 1
  5. Dman5TX

    Dman5TX Pro Bowler

    10-6 would be considered a win at this point. 9-7 seems likely unless we make some drastic improvements in certain areas.
  6. Tewa Titan

    Tewa Titan Starter

    Ya we let go of all our leaders on the D and brought in cucks to replace them. Beasley, Clownboy. I'm not surprised there's no fire on this defense. Does Clowney ever look fired up? Looks like he just goes through the motions and turns it up when unblocked.
    • Cheers Cheers x 1
    • Hit the Target Hit the Target x 1
  7. Ontario Titan

    Ontario Titan Pro Bowler

    Yep lost alot of the identity from last year on D losing Casy and Ryan for sure.

    Clowney wanted 20 million this year, didnt get it so he is just going through the motions

    Beasley, maybe the same? But he got 9.5...I don't think his head was ever into football this year, with us or otherwise.
  8. titansrule00000

    titansrule00000 Pro Bowler

    Lack of coaching on the defensive side is killing us. Special teams too. Vrabel must drop his ego and hire legit coaches this offseason. We will be lucky if we go 10-6. It’s crazy to think we have the same record as the Dolphins.
  9. dtm586

    dtm586 The Master Jedi


    How many years (or is it decades in a row) would we be 9-7 ?

    JCBRAVE goTitans 2019 Survivor Champion

    I know many here are down on us doing much at this point, but we face 3 of the teams immediately in our way of getting a playoff spot the next 3 weeks.

    We'll either flip the script and get back to where we want to be, OR the sky will fall and the world will end.

    As long as were in the .500 range Im holding out hope we qualify, thats just how I operate...
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