Rookies 1st Media Practice

Discussion in 'Tennessee Titans and NFL Talk' started by Ten_Titans, May 15, 2015.

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  1. 520

    520 2020 GOAT CHAMP from 3-7 to champ

    well in the redzone it dipped 20+ %....
  2. Clark

    Clark #ShoutboxAlley4Life

    Tbh that's not surprising. There's ways to attack a qb in those tight quarters that he has to overcome. I also believe he was used to relying on the run game in the red zone.

    Locker was also **** in the RZ. Mett showed slight upgrade from him but let's be honest that wasn't Much.

    Mariota can create a different dynamic in the red zone. Short field pop passes and a quick release to force defenses to over bite.

    The RZ offense will need to be specifically built around a few things imo. Heavy run game, Quick pop passes, misdirection and Mariota threatening with his legs just enough to keep defenses moving backwards.

    Throwing Mariota to the wolves and expecting tight window throws in the RZ off the bat is probably far fetched and a recipe for disaster.
    • High Five High Five x 2
  3. 520

    520 2020 GOAT CHAMP from 3-7 to champ

    i agree. i wasnt suprised in the least to see his accuracy drop so far when hed have to throw the ball in tight windows.

    JCBRAVE goTitans 2019 Survivor Champion

    520 and his usless stat. Mariota has the same RZ completion % as Aaron Rodgers
    • High Five High Five x 1
  5. 520

    520 2020 GOAT CHAMP from 3-7 to champ

    AVE, post: 1340238, member: 9605"]520 and his usless stat. Mariota has the same RZ completion % as Aaron Rodgers[/QUOTE]
    Does rodgers drop off that much? Is Rodgers in the NFL or college..I forget.
  6. Gunny

    Gunny Shoutbox Fuhrer

    He's just getting used to it since none of our guys ever beat anyone.
    • LOL LOL x 1
  7. The Bukafax

    The Bukafax Starter

    Does rodgers drop off that much? Is Rodgers in the NFL or college..I forget.[/QUOTE]

    Drop off in the percentage does not matter. Look at regular field passes and RZ passes as completely different animals. You are throwing into tight coverage most of the time. The pressure is more likely to be there from players playing the flats can have the option to blitz once nobody is home.
    • High Five High Five x 1
  8. 520

    520 2020 GOAT CHAMP from 3-7 to champ

    Drop off in the percentage does not matter. Look at regular field passes and RZ passes as completely different animals. You are throwing into tight coverage most of the time. The pressure is more likely to be there from players playing the flats can have the option to blitz once nobody is home.[/QUOTE]

    it certainly matters when your scheme is desgined to get wide open wr's and help out your qb with play action over 50% of the time, cuz in the red zone it almost negates all the oregon scheme tries to accomplish, and that is more realistic to what his nfl comp. % will be since in the nfl hes not gonna have wide open wr's or run play action over 50% of the time
  9. Gut

    Gut Pro Bowler

    Mariota is likely to be playing behind the same line with either Poutasi or Bell at Rt - not sure either is an upgrade over Ober and the possibility RT is worse. Since they haven't cut Levitre, they probably aren't going to let him have the highest cap on the team and ride the bench so he's most likely gonna start. Only change to run game is Cobb and Fowler. If the OL doesn't block, this will be the Mariota show - running for his life and we will be in 3rd and longs a lot....again! A bad recipe for success! Play calling might be better or worse depending on how Whiz is able to blend offenses.

    So Mariota could be in a similar or worse position than Mett was last year. However I think he is better suited to do something with that opportunity because of his mobility, quick eyes, and how defenses have to play if because of his mobility.
    • Cheers Cheers x 1
  10. Gut

    Gut Pro Bowler

    A lot of his accuracy issues to me look like they are footwork based. Sometimes when he changes to another wr his eyes are faster than his body and he doesn't fully reset his feet. So he has to be careful working his drops into his throwing motion. As long as he has a good base, you see him lob and drive the ball with good accuracy...especially in the short to intermediate range (up to 30 yards).
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