RG3 to Browns

Discussion in 'Tennessee Titans and NFL Talk' started by 520, Mar 24, 2016.

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  1. 520

    520 2020 GOAT CHAMP from 3-7 to champ

    Ya and how many did he give up after that? Maybe it had a little to do with whiz ridiculous scheme? ?? If giving up 5 sacks in 8 games is the worst thing hell ever do he's headed towards the hof.
    • Hit the Target Hit the Target x 1
  2. Gut

    Gut Pro Bowler

    Everyone keeps trying to act like it's get Jalen and that gets Mariota killed with a RT at #33 in the draft.

    I think EVERY Titans fan wants a good RT. The question is, do we need to take the first pick in the draft to do so?

    I and every team in the NFL say no. We have a LT and need a RT (and possibly a LG or OC).

    Upside to Tunsil
    More upside than Lewan
    Having Tunsil and Lewan as Bookends SHOULD beef up pass protection
    Improves our ability to run sweeps and screen passes

    Downside of Tunsil
    Has some red flags
    Floor is below where Lewan is right now
    Having 2 zone blockers on the edges hurts our run game
    Tunsil may not be as good as advertised (see Fisher, Long, his tape vs A+M, AUB)
    Lewan walks in 2-3 years and we have the same hole at RT with a different LT

    Upside of Ramsey
    Could be a Patrick Peterson type CB (not returner)
    Could be a Polamalu in Patrick Peterson's body with the right DC
    Could be a game changing talent in the secondary AND the defense
    Can take away whatever we need him to take away
    Gives the DC a lot of options

    Downside of Ramsey
    May not get as many INT's as you'd like as a CB
    May be a better S or move around player than pure CB

    The way I see it, taking Tunsil...even if he plays as advertised leaves us with 2 problems. Not having a strong run game - which is the FOCUS of the off-season - and Lewan walks in 2-3 years so this doesn't solve a problem, just kicks it down the road a bit. Having a strong run game and filling the RT position for a decade with someone who can play and both pass protect and run block in our system is at least as much of an impact as taking tunsil...and I'm not even including Ramsey at this point!
    • High Five High Five x 1
    • Hit the Target Hit the Target x 1
  3. Gut

    Gut Pro Bowler

    Not OT, RT!!! Tunsil isn't a RT and doesn't fit our run blocking system and neither does Lewan. We can use 1 athletic LT that is a push in the run game. Having two as bookends with be a much bigger hindrance.

    No OL was great for us last year, but of everyone we have on the OL, Lewan has the biggest upside and the ability to be at least a top 10 LT in this league. Like our entire OL, he needs some good coaching because everyone got worse under Bostad with Whiz's playcalling and playing people out of position (Poutasi).

    We need to draft a very good RT who is a plus pass blocker and a plus in a power run game. You don't take that with the #1 pick in the draft!
    • Hit the Target Hit the Target x 1
  4. Ontario Titan

    Ontario Titan Pro Bowler

    Good post agree completely. I still don't know why we didn't go after Schwartz or Boone or some of the other vet RT. We could have still taken a RT at 33 but I think with some upgraded experience at G and RT we would be better off.
    • High Five High Five x 2

    JCBRAVE goTitans 2019 Survivor Champion

    Lewan has a ways to go still, but he's going to get better
  6. Ontario Titan

    Ontario Titan Pro Bowler

    If Lewan isn't the worst LT in the league and Tunsil is a great prospect, "best to come along in a while" then we shouldn't have a problem trading out of 1. I want Ramsey at 1, not big on taking Tunsil because we couldn't trade out as some reports state.
  7. Gut

    Gut Pro Bowler

    I suspect the answer is not what we want to hear, but I think it's because they don't know who to draft and don't want to NOT take the best player available. Plus, they want the option of someone trading up for more than just a QB. If Tunsil is as good as some think he is, someone could move up for him...but not if we had signed Schwartz because then there is zero chance we'd take Tunsil.

    So I think we see JR trying to have backup plans at several spots...WR (Matthews), CB (McCain and Blake), OT (Bell), S (Johnson) so whatever of these positions we don't take in the draft, we still have a backup and can always look for a vet after cut down days.

    I agree I would have liked to lock down a RT in FA, I think we can see this was their plan all along. Even Jones I don't think is a fixture yet at OC since we know he can play OG. So possible we could take a OC or OG too in the draft.
    • High Five High Five x 1
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    JCBRAVE goTitans 2019 Survivor Champion

    Tunsil aint all that, yes he's an elite pass blocker, but thats where it ends with him.

    Do you consider a guy whos great at one phase of the game to be worthy the No.1 overall pick? Those types come out every year, it would be a mistake to take Tunsil when theres a once in 5 year guy in Ramsey there for us.
    • Hit the Target Hit the Target x 1
  9. Young54

    Young54 Starter

    How dare you post about RG3 in this thread. Can't you tell it's Tunsil vs Ramsey now?!

    Kidding. Yea it's good so see this. I have nothing against him and hope he bounces back. I couldn't believe the down fall in Washington.
    • High Five High Five x 1
    • LOL LOL x 1
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