Preseason Week 2: Titans vs Panthers

Discussion in 'Tennessee Titans and NFL Talk' started by VondyP, Aug 20, 2016.

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  1. GrayGhost1951

    GrayGhost1951 Starter

    Newton lit up our first team D for a lot of yards, and that was just in the 1st quarter. Glad he sat down and didn't make it any uglier. We have a lot of problems, and I realize we were without our starting CB's, but still, he just threw the ball where ever he wanted. Very little pressure on him. On our side, Murray never threatened to get outside. Thank goodness we have Henry for inside runs. Those gimmicky plays with the receivers getting the ball went nowhere. I would set the bar low this year and then be surprised if we were better than 3-13.
    • High Five High Five x 1
  2. GrayGhost1951

    GrayGhost1951 Starter

    Cox and JMac were both out, our starting corners.
  3. Bonky

    Bonky Pro Bowler Tip Jar Donor

    I don't know, maybe we watched different games. I seem to recall Cam getting his @ss knocked off a couple of times.....

    Honestly, considering who we were playing, I was impressed. I saw some significant improvements over last year's team, although the secondary is certainly our weakness.
    • High Five High Five x 2
  4. Roscoes Wetsuit

    Roscoes Wetsuit Pro Bowler

    Heard that excuse practically every game last year. Over it.

    For a staff preaching competition at every position all off season, I couldn't help but think Corner/Secondary was an after thought.

    You bring in Antwan Blake, whom if you go by PFF statistics, was the worst corner in the entire league last iirc. They can't spew as much "he knows Lebeau's system" fluff all they want, that apparently hasn't helped him so far.

    Brice McCain isn't anything special, honestly a #4 guy on most rosters but was brought in to compete for a starting outside job and nickel. Cool move.

    Then we go to the draft. Could of got a player in the 2nd like Cyrus Jones, whom is doing good in Patriots camp and already has a pick. Mackenzie Alexander, whom is doing just alright, but I would gladly argue is an upgrade over most of the corners on this team. But I guess Austin Johnson pick is good cause these team needed to upgrade its front 7 depth. Oh wait...

    So if we are banking on McCourty being healthy, good luck. Been waiting on that since the off season of last year. Even then, he is a #2 corner at best. Cox is a nickel at best. So I was hoping to see more out of the depth corners, someone that could actually push those 2. But our depth is horrible and its going to be another season of hoping McCourty stays healthy and learns to play the ball, and hoping Cox hasn't regressed even more than he did last year.
    • High Five High Five x 1
  5. Hormesis

    Hormesis Pro Bowler

    I can't watch until tomorrow. Seems like I won't be too pleased.
  6. nytitaner

    nytitaner Starter

    I couldn't watch the game but whoever wiffed on the Ginn tackle for the TD should be sent to philly as well. I'm a super mariota fan but wanna see some deep passes , now that my boy DGB is gone, I wish the wizard would give hunter some heart and mariota would loosen up and let it fly downfield. I know Marcus is a beast but not seeing that is getting annoying , I mean this is entertainment aside from the fact that defenses would really have to respect us.
  7. GrayGhost1951

    GrayGhost1951 Starter

    Just who do you think would be open downfield on a deep route?
    • Hit the Target Hit the Target x 1
  8. GrayGhost1951

    GrayGhost1951 Starter

    While Cam was getting tackled, other times he managed to do this all in one quarter.

    Newton played four drives, completing 8 of 12 passes for 162 yards, a touchdown and a 137.5 passer rating.

    What game were YOU watching?
    • High Five High Five x 1
  9. Broken Arrow

    Broken Arrow Just a Fan....

    I think we are going to be ok this year... We hung with Super Bowl runner ups..... 10-7... We just need to clean up a few things here and there (both offense and defense) and I think we can have an explosive team...

    And dam does Tajae have hands..

    Also, Anyone see the extent of Curtis Grant's injury?
  10. Broken Arrow

    Broken Arrow Just a Fan....

    And who was it that said it was Bass that stopped Cam on 3rd down?...


    • LOL LOL x 1
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