Playoffs are still possible.

Discussion in 'Tennessee Titans and NFL Talk' started by Stephenson, Dec 7, 2009.

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  1. TitansBlue

    TitansBlue Camp Fodder

    You're thinking Cincinnati beating Cleveland, but that was the following year 2007, when we actually made the playoffs

    2006 last week was they needed Kansas City to beat the Jags, the Steelers to beat the Bengals, and the 49ers to beat the Broncos, all of which happened.

    Then just the Pats came in and beat up on us.

    But really I think the bigger cost that season wasn't that not being able to beat the pats, it was our defense giving up that 20 something point halftime lead and letting the ravens win that one game that year
  2. Stephenson

    Stephenson Camp Fodder

    Steelers lost.
  3. Raistmagic

    Raistmagic Starter

    Thanks Browns.
  4. GoT

    GoT Strength and Honor

    cause they SUCK!
  5. Thesaurus

    Thesaurus Starter

    Newest scenario :

    STEELERS: Loss at Cleveland. Loss at Green Bay. Win at Baltimore. Win at Miami. (8-8)

    JETS: Win at Tampa Bay. Loss at Atlanta. Loss at Indy. Loss at Bengals. (7-9)

    DOLPHINS: Win at Jacksonville. Loss at Tennessee. Loss at Houston. Loss at Pittsburgh. (7-9)

    RAVENS: Win at Detroit. Loss at Chicago. Loss at Pittsburgh. Win at Oakland. (8-8)

    JAGUARS: Loss at Miami. Loss at Indianapolis. Loss at New England. Win at Cleveland. (8-8)

    BRONCOS: Loss at Indianapolis. Win at Oakland. Loss at Philadelphia. Win at Kansas City. (10-6)
  6. Loqitar10

    Loqitar10 Camp Fodder

    The odds are long but we have one thing going for us now we didn't have then....we have an Angel in our pocket. I think that SI guy said it just right.
    • High Five High Five x 1
  7. costarica2

    costarica2 Banned forever

    One more lost by the ravens and we are pretty much set.
  8. TitanPredBrent

    TitanPredBrent Camp Fodder

    Things don't look as bleek as 2006 the way the Ravens, Steelers and even Patriots are playing. The Jets, Dolphins, Jaguars, and Broncos are even inconsistent. The Titans are 2 games behind the the final wildcard with 4 games to go. You can't convince me that it can't be done! Bottom line is after the 0-6 start, it is just awesome we are even having this conversation... Period!
  9. Thaddeus43

    Thaddeus43 Sunshiner President

    I think there are really only 2 teams that stand in our way, the hags and ravens

    Dolphins (6-6) - If we win out, then we would have the tiebreaker over the dolphins, so they dont matter and we can root for them to win all of their games (except for when we play them).

    Jets (6-6) - They need to lose 2 more games (they have the tie breaker), but looking at their schedule, its very possible. This week they play the Bucs w/o Mark Sanchez, then they have the Falcons, dolts, and Bengals.

    Steelers (6-7) - The loss to Clevland really helped out. They have the tie breaker over us, but one more loss will give us the edge. They play Green Bay next week, and that could very well give them that one loss.

    We can forget about getting a spot over the Chargers/Broncos. The only way we can get in over either of them is if one of them loses the rest of their games. Not gonna happen.

    That brings us to the hags and ravens.

    hags (7-5) -They need 3 more losses because they have the tiebreaker over us (division record). Their upcoming schedule is pretty tough, Dolphins, dolts, Patriots, Browns(hey they beat the steelers, who knows). Although all 7 wins have come against teams with losing records, I still think 3 losses may be asking a for little too much.

    Ravens (6-6) - They have the tie breaker over us (conf. record), so they need 2 more losses. They play the Lions, Bears, Steelers, and Raiders. Its possible the Bears could beat them. Maybe the Steelers can get it together for a division rivalry, and the Raiders have pulled off some upsets this year, but these aren't teams I really want to put the Titans playoff hopes with.

    Like I said, I really only think the hags and Ravens will stand in our way. I am pretty confident that we will end up ahead of the dolphins, jets and steelers, but I'm not so confident about the other 2. Overall our playoff chances are very slim, but I for one will keep hope alive. Like many others on here have said, its just amazing that we can even have hope this late in the season after the way we started.
  10. Puck

    Puck Pro Bowler

    it will be strange if we get in and advance considering the players we're likely to lose in the offseason
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