Pac in Trouble AGAIN!/Charges Dropped

Discussion in 'Tennessee Titans and NFL Talk' started by GoTitans3801, Jan 15, 2008.

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  1. PhiSlammaJamma

    PhiSlammaJamma Critical Possession

    Although never convicted of a crime since drafted, Jones will miss a year of compensation based on the frequency and magnitude of his brushes with the law, and the negative impact they have had on the league. This situation is no different. For those who think it is going away, think again. It is not about what really happened or did not happen. It was about the negative publicity. Common sense and logic do not prevail here. The fact is that Pac Man brought more negative publicity and will answer for it.

    "It is important that the NFL be represented consistently by outstanding people as well as great football players, coaches, and staff," Goodell said. "We hold ourselves to higher standards of responsible conduct because of what it means to be part of the National Football League. We have long had policies and programs designed to encourage responsible behavior, and this policy is a further step in ensuring that everyone who is part of the NFL meets that standard. We will continue to review the policy and modify it as warranted."

    The strengthened standards apply to all NFL employees: players, coaches, officials, owners, front-office and league personnel. And Goodell emphasized in the new policy that those standards will be considerably tighter than outside the league.

    "It is not enough to simply avoid being found guilty of a crime," the new policy says. "Instead, as an employee of the NFL or a member club, you are held to a higher standard and expected to conduct yourself in a way that is responsible, promotes the values upon which the league is based, and is lawful.

    "Persons who fail to live up to this standard of conduct are guilty of conduct detrimental and subject to discipline, even where the conduct itself does not result in conviction of a crime."
  2. PhiSlammaJamma

    PhiSlammaJamma Critical Possession

    It should also be noted that players must earn their way back. Gene Upshaw and Goodell were extremely clear about this. You've got to earn it. And so even if this results in no additional vacation time, it negates anything pac man has done to earn his way back.
  3. PhiSlammaJamma

    PhiSlammaJamma Critical Possession

    I don't know, the Lawyer had a lot to lose from this. Sometimes bad publicity really is good, but sometimes it's bad for you too, and being a lawyer, she may have come to the conclusion that it really was a bad deal for her. So I'm not positive he paid. And if he did pay, how could it have been negotiated that quickly with lawyers involved. I'm bot sure I can envision it. I think the woman might have seen where this was headed and bailed out.
  4. Deuce Wayne


    Her story was completely bogus from the get-go, and she realized that about as fast as everyone else did.
    So case closed. Pac's still alive, but better stay out of the clubs because he must realize that he IS a target. This case proves that.
  5. GoTitans3801

    GoTitans3801 Forward Progress!

    The fact that it went away doesn't change my opinion about it. He's still making bad decisions, and I don't think we should bring him back even when the NFL lets us.
  6. Slackmaster

    Slackmaster Starter

    Perhaps making him a special teamer, and humiliating him a bit would help.
  7. The Mrs

    The Mrs Crush on Casey Starbucks!

    The charges were dropped because the "b" was lying. Just cause someone says they are with Pac doesn't make it a truth.
  8. KingTitan25

    KingTitan25 Guest

    i wonder how much the check was for
  9. dg1979us

    dg1979us Pro Bowler

    Seems like he would have a case for libel or slander then. For some reason, I dont see him taking it to that level. I have a feeling he cut a check too. Obviously, I dont know, but it seems if people were spreading lies about me, that could jeopardize my multi million dollar career, I would take care of in court to prove my side and to put a stop to it.
  10. GLinks

    GLinks Second Gear

    I thought about the "writing a check" possibility as well. I wouldn't think this would be done with lawyers present, honestly. Just some good ol' fashioned bribery/extortion.

    Money would tell the truth of the situation, I believe. If the Titans wanted to be sticklers, or the league (and I'm sure the league will look into it), all they'd have to do is see if significant money moved recently. They wouldn't have to make a statement. They could just part ways with him.
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