Ouch for Sony/PS3

Discussion in 'Video Games' started by Gunny, Jul 14, 2008.

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  1. Gunny

    Gunny Shoutbox Fuhrer

    Final Fantasy XIII goes multi-platform.

    XIII-Versus remains exclusive.
  2. KamikaZ

    KamikaZ Ex-Hall of Famer

    Not surprised by that at all.
  3. Gunny

    Gunny Shoutbox Fuhrer

    I am, mainly because SE said it was exclusive.

    However it is still exclusive on PS3 in Japan. It's a smart business move by SE they are releasing it to markets where it will sell (since the 360 is almost dead in Japan there is no point)
  4. KamikaZ

    KamikaZ Ex-Hall of Famer

    What's surprising to me, and very funny, is how there keep coming reports that MGS4 is coming to Microsoft, even though 4 was specifically created with a Blu-Ray format in mind.
  5. Deuce Wayne


    We argued a while back about how I thought this would go multi. I dunno. FF has a cult fanbase. I'm not part of it, so it doesn't make a difference to me.
  6. KamikaZ

    KamikaZ Ex-Hall of Famer

    I haven't been wowed by a FF game since 7. And I was like...10. They remake 7, it's auto-copped. But my interests wanes for any new ones. I sold 12 in a fit of boredom, and I beat 9 and 10 because they weren't too hard.
  7. Gunny

    Gunny Shoutbox Fuhrer

    The only thing I hate about it is how damn smug Microsoft have become. What they fail to realise is Sony is moving on from their sequels and bringing out promising new titles (like the 256 player online game, the agency, infamous etc).

    Sony wouldn't be too upset if FFXIII and Metal Gear went, no one is going to buy an x-box for these game, those who already have an x-box will be happy. No one will buy one for them though. Sony have reaped most of the rewards from Metal Gear (and will for FFXIII since it is released earlier)
  8. Toly

    Toly Free your mind

    In all fairness, MS is doing whatever they need to do in order to compete and build a great library of games. Besides, people (including MS) tend to forget that many of the franchises that went multi were never exclusive to the PS in the first place. It just so happens that the PS2 install base was so big that publishers didn't feel the need to spend time and money porting to other consoles. Heck, even RE4 was a Gamecube exclusive for some time, and yet everybody assumed that RE5 would be a PS3 exclusive. With production costs nowadays, it may very well be the end of third party exclusives.

    I do agree about Sony focusing on newer IPs. I just wish they'd have shown more at their presentation. On the other hand, I feel like MS is relaying too much on sequels and spending a lot of money buying exclusive content instead of using it to work on new IPs. And what happened to Too Human? Alan Wake? But they proclaimed that they will sell more 360s than PS3s in this generation, so maybe they have something else waiting in the shadows. Or maybe they think what they have is enough. We'll see.
  9. HALL97ROX

    HALL97ROX Camp Fodder

    I think the thing about FF13 is that it keeps the PS3 from being a need in the US and Europe for FF13 fans. I could not care less about this game, but a lot of people do. I did not realize that this was for US and Europe only, that makes it not as big a deal as Japan is where MS needs the most help.
  10. Gunny

    Gunny Shoutbox Fuhrer

    There are very few third party exclusives now. And I think they are becoming a thing of the past.

    Sony are keen on their secretiveness. Some reports have been on 4 new exclusives seen though NDAs were signed and Heavy Rain and another unannounced game shown behind closed doors as well (there is expected to be an announcement on Heavy Rain in August).
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