Options for getting rid of Vince Young.. if need be.

Discussion in 'Tennessee Titans and NFL Talk' started by PitBull, Jan 19, 2009.

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  1. SEC 330 BIPOLAR

    SEC 330 BIPOLAR jive turkey

    First, it's a Pontiac and it was manufactured from 1984 until 1988.
  2. TitanJeff

    TitanJeff Kahuna Grande Staff

    Maybe it's time to put Young in the same conversations we do about White not being in as good a shape as he could be.
  3. Riverman

    Riverman That may be.... Tip Jar Donor

    I definitely think they both lack off-season commitment.
  4. Gunny

    Gunny Shoutbox Fuhrer

    Damn Chicken Wings...
  5. eTitan81

    eTitan81 Touchdown Titans

    come on now. he is busy signing shoe deals, prepaid visa cards and powerade ads to be worrying about his work outs. oh yeah studying for school too.
  6. Gunny

    Gunny Shoutbox Fuhrer

    Didn't he fly down his Receivers to Texas so they could work together?
  7. Morpheus E

    Morpheus E Camp Fodder


    Phi Slamma, you would have to be the stupidest person on Earth not to see that Collins is just infinitely better. Collins just throws a more catchable ball and that's all there is to it!

    Look, the stats don't matter. Stats can be made to say ANYTHING!

    It doesn't matter that Vince Young threw for about the same amount of yards with less attempts and less playmakers, because Collins is just obviously better!

    Can't you see that the pass offense was just a million times better with Collins at QB? Man just look at our awesome red-zone efficiency. You think that Chris Johnson had anything at all to do with that? No, of course not!

    I'm sorry man, Collins is just a much awesomer quarterback than that Ipod-carrying doofus who throws the ball an estimated 100 yards off target every time!

    I'm glad Young wasn't the QB because we would have gone 7-9 like we did in 07 and we wouldn't have even made the playoffs let alone win a playoff game like we did this past season!

    Vince Young just sucks. Collins is just the man!

    And that's just the way it is!



    This has been my impression of the average VY sucks poster.
  8. psychotictitan

    psychotictitan Its About That Time...

    VY's decision making when he played was poor and he got to the point where he was almost automatic that he was going to make a costly play. He doesnt handle pressure very well and gets to hard on himself when he screws up which is a receipe for a disaster for an NFL qb. Theirs nothing wrong with being critical of your play but dont let it get to the point where it effects you when go back out there and thats what he needs to figure out. Collins went 13-3 with this team and was every bit part of those 13 wins so i dont see why he wouldnt get the start next year. I'm not sure how Fisher could make VY the starter based on what he did last season and even if he has a great TC that doest mean thats its going to translate into having a good season. Best case scenerio,start Collins and keep VY as the back up and let both know that if Collins underperforms,VY takes over. If Young makes a circus out of it and wants out,trade him,its a win win situation for both sides.
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